Showing tomorrow in Mangonui: NZ water quality film – Water Whisperers Tangaroa: 7pm Wed 8 December

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    2 comments

Water Whisperers Tangaroa

7pm Wednesday 8th December
Mangonui Town Hall

Light refreshments after showing

Entry by gold coin donation

Click here to watch the film trailer

Filmed in stunning locations around New Zealand, this new film ‘Water Whisperers Tangaroa’ explores the work carried out by 10 communities as they seek to repair waterways and protect them for future generations.

Aorere River - focal point for a community with a common interest in clean water.
Aorere River - focal point for a community with a common interest in clean water.


Award winning film maker and Director of ‘Wickcandle Film’, Kathleen Gallagher says “This film is about the reconnection of ourselves with our lakes, rivers and oceans. We have guides already in our midst – old fishermen and conservationists, farmers, local iwi, and divers who are intimate with lake, river and sea life…”

Dairy farmers in the Aorere have invested in building bridges over streams to help reduce stock entering waterways. This is just one of a number of measures taken to improve water quality.
Dairy farmers in the Aorere have invested in building bridges over streams to help reduce stock entering waterways. This is just one of a number of measures taken to improve water quality.


This film highlights the people behind the recovery and conservation of some of New Zealand’s precious waterways. Hard working people with a passion for their local rivers, lakes and oceans, who also possess the drive needed to initiate change.

Collingwood marine farm harvest rates had been as low as 28% due to E. coli contamination of coastal waters. Now harvest rates of 79% can be attained.
Collingwood marine farm harvest rates had been as low as 28% due to E. coli contamination of coastal waters. Now harvest rates of 79% can be attained.

Click here to watch the film trailer

Reminder: Community Development Planning, Kaitaia and Ahipara, Tomorrow

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    2 comments

Communications Office

MEDIA RELEASE 17 November 2010 ______________________________________________________________ Community Plans

An opportunity for residents to influence future directions

Kaitaia and Ahipara will have the opportunity to influence the future directions their communities will take at public meetings scheduled to take place within the next two weeks.

The meetings are designed to set up a framework for the development of Community Plans for the two towns.

"An essential ingredient for successful forward planning is to have community input and buy-in at the earliest possible stage. These two meetings at Kaitaia and Ahipara are the first steps towards this goal," Community Development Advisor Ken Ross says.

The intention was to draw out local aspirations on the protection, use and development of land and local resources. Once the broad outlines were in place, working parties would be set up to bring the forward planning ideas together and fill in the details.

"Over a 12 -18 month period working with these communities, a detailed Community Plan can be put in place as a planning guide for the next 20 to 25 years," he said.

Community Plans were documents which outlined pathways to achieve local aspirations, setting clear and realistic goals for the development of each community. The plans were developed by the community, for the community and would be "owned" by that community.

"The council's role initially is to facilitate the establishment of the plans, and then to work with each community to achieve their aspirations. Ideally a Community Plan will reflect consensus, but more realistically it will be a broad reflection of the vision and aspirations of the majority.

"It will be a living document which will need to be reviewed and updated as circumstances change. The plans can be used for forward planning, to attract economic development, act as a visitor guide and provide an insight for new residents moving into the area," Ken Ross says.

The most important ingredient at this stage was for the community to bring forward as wide a reflection of its visions and aspirations as possible to ensure the plan which evolved was "community" rather than "council" based.

"Participation and ownership is so very important if a Community Plan is to reach its goals and objectives. It is important that as many as possible take the time to attend the inaugural meetings," he said.

The Ahipara meetings:  6.30 p.m. at the Te Rarawa Rugby Club on Wednesday 01 December and 

10 a.m. at the Korou Koro Marae on Tuesday 07 December 2010.

Kaitaia meetings: 2.30 p.m. and again at 6.30 p.m. at the Dalmatian Community Hall on Tuesday 07 December 2010.

Residents seeking more information should contact Ken Ross on 0800 920 029

or visit the council's website at and key in Community Plans

Further inquiries to:- Communications Office or Ken Ross PH 0800 920 029


Transport Workshop Tonight!

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    2 comments

Gas prices getting you down.... .......getting around costing you too much?

Do something about it – come to our workshop on


A workshop about different ways of getting around the Far North. Your chance to talk to people who are doing things differently and saving money. Share ideas about how we can stretch our Transport dollar and grow a stronger, healthier community while we do it.

Monday 6th December 2010

5.30-7.30pm @ Far North REAP

Everyone welcome – KOHA ONLY

Join us for supper

“hands-on ways of living cheap & healthy”

Transition Town Kaitaia & Far North REAP

33 Puckey Ave, Kaitaia, 09 408 1380,




NRC: Beach water quality results for week starting 29 November

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    1 comment

Each summer, Northland Regional Council test the water quality at a number of Northland’s popular coastal and freshwater swimming spots to make sure it’s safe for swimming. 

Testing started on 29 November and will continue for 12 weeks through to March.

Beach water quality for week starting 29 November:

Warning signs have been placed by District Councils at the following sites (please see results below):

  • Matapouri - first Bridge
  • Bland Bay (this sign has now been removed as it has been cleared by Whangarei District Council)

Status system

NRC give a three tier status system for swimming water quality.  This is based by assessing the risk of contamination at a beach swimming site using levels of the indicator bacteria Enterococci.  Find out more about what NRC test for

Green - safe to swimGreen: safe to swim
Enterococci count less than 140/100ml

Orange: caution

Orange: caution, potentially unsuitable to swim
Enterococci count more than 140/100ml

Red: unsafe to swimRed: unsafe to swim
Enterococci count more than 280/100ml

This week's results:

Far North

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites

LOCATION Site No. Status Result
Ahipara, in front of campground 109871

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Matai Bay, in front of campground 102326

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Shipwreck Bay 109870

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Tokerau Beach 109872

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Waipapa Kauri 109873

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


North East (Coopers Beach to Matauri Bay)

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites. 

LOCATION Site No. Status


Cable Bay 105780

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Coopers Beach 101066

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Matauri Bay 102425

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Taipa 105777

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


NOTE: We also randomly sampled Cable Bay at Owhetu Stream and the Wairoa Stream at Ahipara. Both of these sites were 'safe to swim'.

North West (Hokianga Harbour)

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites. 

LOCATION Site No. Status Result
Omapere 102317

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Opononi 106011

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Rawene 100236

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


South West (Kaipara District)

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites.

LOCATION Site No. Status Result
Baylys Beach 109876

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Glinks Gully 100798

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Omamari Beach 109875

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Pahi, 150m NW jetty 102198

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Pahi, at rocky groyne 102579

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Tinopai, below shops 102310

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Tinopai, below Puapua Creek 101232

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


South East (One Tree Point to Mangawhai Harbour)

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites.  

LOCATION Site No. Status Result
Lang's Beach, Mid-Beach 108318

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Mangawhai, Motorcamp foreshore 101210

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Mangawhai Heads, Beach 109890

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Mangawhai Harbour, Picnic Bay 110322

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Mangawhai Harbour, at Pontoon 110320

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

One Tree Point 109266

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ruakaka, River 108314

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ruakaka, Beach 108315

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Uretiti Beach 109888

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Waipu Cove 108316

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


Bay of Islands and Oakura

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the BOI and Oakura testing sites. 

LOCATION Site No. Status Results
Bland Bay 109889

Red: unsafe to swimRed:
Unsafe to swim
*See note below

Kerikeri, Skudders Beach 100974 No data No data
Oakura, North Bay 101345

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ohawini Bay 105388

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Opua, foreshore 101418

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Paihia, Te Haumi 101195

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Paihia, beside toilets 101194

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Paihia, Waitangi Bridge 101183

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Russell, Mid-North 105710

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Teal Bay 101331

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


*NOTE: Whangarei District Council re-sampled the Bland Bay site on 1/12/2010 and Enterococci results were <10. 


Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites. 

LOCATION Site No. Status Results
Church Bay 105448

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Kowharewa Bay 106444

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Matapouri, at first bridge (south bridge) 100711

Red: unsafe to swimRed:
Unsafe to swim

Matapouri, at second bridge (north bridge) 100712

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Matapouri, Beach 110321

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ngunguru, at Motor Camp 100073

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ngunguru, at Norfolk pine 100076

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ngunguru, at toilets 108320

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Pacific Bay 108313

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Sandy Bay 109879

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Wellingtons Bay 109880

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Whananaki, footbridge 103147

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Whananaki, East beach 106938

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Woolleys Bay 109878

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


Whangarei Heads (including Onerahi and Pataua)

Full weekly results available below. View a map of the testing sites. 

LOCATION Site No. Status Results
McLeod Bay, near toilets 101254

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Ocean Beach 109877

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Onerahi, at playground 101600

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Pataua South, at footbridge 102217

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Pataua South, East Beach 104986

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Pataua South, Frog Town 109887

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Taurikura Bay 101262

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Urquharts Bay 108311

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


Check before you swim

In general, water can be contaminated and unsafe for swimming if:

  • there is a warning sign erected indicating water is unsafe.
  • there has been heavy rain recently.
  • the water looks dirty (murky).
  • there are several potential sources of contamination nearby and upstream such as:
    • houses on septic tanks;
    • stock with access to the water; or
    • a sewage treatment plant discharge. 

Who to contact

NRC are responsible for routine surveillance monitoring. These results are sent to the District Councils and Northland Health, who then carry out follow-up sampling as required and warn the public of any swimming sites that may be unsafe.

For information about a specific area or a warning sign contact your local District Council or the on-duty Health Protection Officer at Northland Health.

Far North District Council

Freephone: 0800 920 029

Whangarei District Council

Phone: 09 430 4200

Kaipara District Council

Phone: 09 439 7059

Northland Health

Phone: 09 430 4100

For general information contact:

Northland Regional Council

Freephone: 0800 002 004

NRC: Freshwater swimming quality results for week starting 29 November

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    1 comment

Each summer, Northland Regional Council test the water quality at a number of Northland’s popular coastal and freshwater swimming spots to make sure it’s safe for swimming. 

Testing started on 29 November and will continue for 12 weeks through to March.

Freshwater quality for week starting 29 November:

Warning signs have been placed by District Councils at the following sites (please see results below):

  • Ocean Beach Stream
  • Otamure Bay Stream
  • Whangarei Falls
  • Otaua Stream

Status system

NRC give a three tier status system for swimming water quality.  This is based by assessing the risk of contamination at a freshwater swimming site using levels of the indicator bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli).  Find out more about what NRC test for

Green - safe to swim Green: safe to swim
 E. coli less than 260/100ml

Orange: caution

 Orange: caution, potentially unsuitable to swim
 E. coli count more than 260/100ml

Red: unsafe to swim Red: unsafe to swim
 E. coli count more than 550/100ml

This week's results

The table below shows the most recent results for all the freshwater sites sampled in Northland.  All locations are in alphabetical order.

LOCATION Site No. Status Result
Aurere River, at Aurere Beach Road 110324 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim
Coopers Beach Stream 101870 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim
Kaihu River, at campground 102221 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim
Kapiro Bridge, at Purerua Road 102838 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


Kerikeri, Stone Store 101530 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim
Lake Coca Cola 110323 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim
Lake Ngatu, south end 100402 Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim
Lake Taharoa 105434

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Langs Beach, toilets  100686 Orange: cautionOrange:
Ocean Beach Stream 102077 Red: unsafe to swimRed:
Unsafe to swim
Omamari Beach Stream 102305

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Otamure Bay Stream 108859 Red: unsafe to swimRed:
Unsafe to swim
Otaua Stream 108510 Red: unsafe to swimRed:
Unsafe to swim
Raumanga Stream, Whangarei 103246 Orange: cautionOrange:
Tirohanga Stream 102252 Orange: cautionOrange:
Twin Bridges 105973 Orange: cautionOrange:
Victoria River 104908

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Waipapa Basin, at Charlies Rock 110348

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Waipapa River, Puketi 103248

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


Waipoua River, at DOC campground


Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim


Waipu Cove Stream


Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Waitangi, at Puketona Reserve 110325

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Waro Lake, Hikurangi 107272

Green - safe to swimGreen:
Safe to swim

Whangarei Falls 105972 Red: unsafe to swimRed:
Unsafe to swim

Check before you swim

In general, water can be contaminated and unsafe for swimming if:

  • there is a warning sign erected indicating water is unsafe.
  • there has been heavy rain recently.
  • the water looks dirty (murky).
  • there are several potential sources of contamination nearby and upstream such as:
    • houses on septic tanks;
    • stock with access to the water; or
    • a sewage treatment plant discharge. 

Who to contact

NRC are responsible for routine surveillance monitoring. These results are sent to the District Councils and Northland Health, who then carry out follow-up sampling as required and warn the public of any swimming sites that may be unsafe.

For information about a specific area or a warning sign contact your local District Council or the on-duty Health Protection Officer at Northland Health.

Far North District Council
Freephone: 0800 920 029

Whangarei District Council
Phone: 09 430 4200

Kaipara District Council
Phone: 09 439 7059

Northland Health
Phone: 09 430 4100

For general information contact:

Northland Regional Council
Freephone: 0800 002 004

Last Transition Town Film Night for 2010

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    4 comments


Our last film for 2010

“Return of the Scorcher”


“We are Traffic”

Return of the Scorcher - This half-hour documentary looks at bike culture and bike lifestyles around the world with beautiful and inspiring scenes of bike use filmed in China, The Netherlands, Denmark, and the U.S.

We are Traffic - chronicles the history and development of the "Critical Mass" bicycle movement. With traffic congestion, pollution, and road rage on the rise, growing numbers around the world are advocating for transportation alternatives, and Critical Mass is at the cutting edge of this mindset.

At The REAP Centre, Puckey Ave, Kaitaia

6.30pm, Friday 10th December

All welcome - we appreciate koha to assist with our expenses.

This is our last event for 2010! Bring a plate and join us to celebrate an amazing year!

Our films are tied in with Sustainable Living courses we are running through REAP.

More information is available from the REAP office, Kaitaia. Ph.408 1380

Transition Town Kaitaia is part of a global movement working to build communities equipped for change.



Top Energy 2010 Ownership Review: Online submission

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    1 comment

Who owns Top Energy now?

Far North power consumers connected to Top Energy’s line network own the company with the shares being held, on your behalf, in the Top Energy Consumer Trust.

So what’s this about?
The Trust is managed by five Trustees. One of their special responsibilities that is set out in the Trust Deed, is to consult with local power consumers on their preference for the ownership structure of Top Energy. This must happen at least every five years

A review of ownership was last conducted in 2005.

How's the Review to be Conducted?

The process required to be followed is set out in the Trust Deed. It requires Top Energy’s directors to produce a report which details their analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various types of ownership structure. It also contains their recommendation in relation to continued ownership.

Your Trustees are required to review this Directors’ report and to make comments on it.

Both these reports are now available for your perusal, from Top Energy’s offices located at :

Whangatane Drive, KAITAIA
1254 Puketona Road, KERIKERI
Level 2, John Butler Centre, 60 Kerikeri Road, KERIKERI

To download or review these reports on line click on the report below:
Top Energy Directors’ Report (2MB)
Trustees’ Report

Public Consultation Process

This includes calling for written submissions and conducting a public hearing, after which, the Trustee will make their decision. This communication is part of the consultation process.

Here’s an approximate timetable over which this consultation process will take place:

Consultation Process Approximate Timetable
Call for written submissions 8 November 2010
Submissions Close date 10 December 2010
Public Hearings* 24-28 January 2011
Ownership Decision Early February 2011
* Actual dates for Public Hearings will be notified
closer to the time.

So what's in the Directors Report?

Top Energy Directors have recommended:

"That the shares of Top Energy Limited continue to be retained by the Top Energy Consumer Trust."

The Directors have also concluded that:

  • the advantages of trust ownership outweigh the disadvantages of such a structure
  • the financial performance of the Company has not been negatively affected by the ownership structure under which it operates
  • Top Energy’s objectives, as reflected in the Statement of Corporate Intent, are best achieved through the current Trust ownership structure.

How can I make a submission?

You can make a written submission (followed by a verbal submission at a later hearing, if you so choose) by using one of the following three options:

1) Complete and mail or fax a SUBMISSION RESPONSE FORM which will be delivered , unaddressed to all household letterboxes, week commencing 15 November 2010. Or you can download and print the form.

Write a detailed submission and mail, e-mail or fax  it to the Trust, or

3) To make an submission on line, click here

NOTE: There is no set format required for a written submission. However, please ensure your full name, address and ICP Number (shown on your latest energy retailer power account) are clearly shown on it.

Written submissions should be sent to:

The Secretary
Top Energy Consumer Trust
P O Box 43
Kerikeri 0245

Fax: 09 407 0611

NOTE: Your submission must be received by the Trust no later than last post, Friday 10 December 2010.

Can I make a verbal submission at a Public Hearing?
Yes. So long as you have first made a written submission, received by the Trust before 10 December 2010 and you have indicated you wish to be heard at a Public Hearing.

The Trust will notify you of Public Hearing dates and venues. The Hearings are likely to be conducted 24-28 January 2011.

Celebrate International Slow Food Day @ Ohaeawai

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    1 comment

Taitokerau Organic Producers

Invites you to reconnect with local food...

Join us at Pukerau Gardens Ohaeawai

(follow SH12 from Ohaeawai about 2 km towards Kaikohe, sign on right)

10 December starting at 10.30am

In 2009 the very first Terra Madre Day organized by Slow Food saw more than 1,000 events take place across 120 countries in one of the largest collective occasions celebrating food diversity and the right to good, clean and fair food ever achieved on a global scale. Slow Food convivia and Terra Madre communities brought the voice of small-scale farmers and producers, responsible cooks and concerned consumers to their regions, expressing how our global campaign for better food begins with local sustainable economies that make our lives more pleasurable.

Once again we invite your to celebrate the importance of eating locally on December 10 by joining us at Pukerau Gardens Ohaeawai to celebrate this International day of slow food.

We are having a slow food cook off, so if you want to join in bring one these of 3 ingredients, meat, seafood, or pasta, the rest of the ingredients required to complete your meal you will need to forage from our garden.

If this is not for you, (cooking that is) but you would like to learn what fresh foods go into new and exciting recipes or just want to indulge in the yummy kai that is prepared - this is the place to be. At the same time help to promote better food systems; by creating a global revolution with local roots.

For more information on the Slow Food movement and its relationship to sustainable living click on Slowfood.

And for more info on TOPIS and the local community that supports growing, trading and enjoying local sustainable kai, click on TOPIS



