Media Release, June 10, from:
EDS questions PM's indication of interest in mining in Paparoa National Park
The Environmental Defence Society has questioned the Prime Minister's comments in Christchurch last night where he appeared to be signalling interest in opening up Paparoa National Park to mining. Mr Key is reported as saying that there was a strong case for taking it out of Schedule 4 protection.
"This is very problematical," said EDS Chairman Gary Taylor. "Even if Paparoa National Park was taken out of Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act, granting access approval to a mining company would need to be consistent with the National Parks Act. That Act sets out the purpose of national parks as follows:- preserving in perpetuity as national parks, for their intrinsic worth and for the benefit, use, and enjoyment of the public, areas of New Zealand that contain scenery of such distinctive quality, ecological systems, or natural features so beautiful, unique, or scientifically important that their preservation is in the national interest"
"It is hard to see how a decision to allow large scale coal mining within a national park could be consistent with the purposes for which national parks are held.
"Any mining company wanting to do something as controversial as mine in a national park would face legal challenge if access consent was in fact granted by the Minister of Conservation. The chances of success of such a judicial review challenge we would rate as very high.
"There seems little sense in removing Paparoa from Schedule 4 when there are other seemingly insurmountable challenges to getting consent to mine.
"And the government has, to its credit, made a commitment that it won't amend the National Parks Act.
"I really think government needs to think this through. It would be unhelpful to create a Clayton's opportunity for the mining industry when really national parks are clearly intended to be held for their natural values rather than their extractive mineral ones," Mr Taylor concluded.
Gary Taylor, 021 895 896
Environmental Defence Society
PO Box 95 152, Swanson, Waitakere City 0653
New Zealand
Phone +64-9-835 4350
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There is still time to send an e-card to the Prime Minister and/or sign a petition against mining Schedule 4 land. These are available through the following link: