Kaitaia Photographic Exhibition:
Eyes on Whangateau Harbour
Celebrating the natural values of Whangateau Harbour
Bank Street Art Gallery, Kaitaia
Exhibition Opening Event: Friday 4th December 5pm
Supported by the Far North Environment Centre
Exhibition runs:
4th to 18th December, 2009
The Far North is to be given a rare chance to see exquisite images of one of the Auckland region’s most bewitching and surprising harbours in December. The Whangateau HarbourCare Group is presenting a photographic exhibition of the harbour’s outstanding natural values above and below water. Local and internationally renowned photographers, Darryl Torckler, Roger Grace, Ian Macdonald, Iain Anderson and Karen Williamson are contributing to the exhibition to be held in the Bank Street Art Gallery in Kaitaia.
To celebrate the exhibition, the Far North Environment Centre is holding an opening event at Bank Street Art Gallery. At 5pm on Friday 4th December you are invited to peruse these amazing photos with a presentation by noted Marine Biologist Dr Roger Grace, along with complementary wine and nibbles.
The Whangateau Harbour, northeast of Warkworth, is recognized as the most unspoiled mainland estuary in the Auckland Region, with abundant shellfish and a wealth of healthy intertidal habitats and estuarine plants. Thanks partly to its small catchment area, and the fact that subdivisions to date have been on flat sandy areas rather than hill slopes with clay soils, impacts from silt and fertilizer runoff have been less than in other estuaries.
With the right weather conditions, the harbour’s water is a pure, clear snorkeller’s paradise. Water clarity is aided by the filtering action of millions of cockles and other filter-feeders. The Whangateau Harbour is similar to what other estuaries in the Auckland Region must have been like in pre-human times. The exhibition also gives a glimpse of what may be seen in some Northland estuaries when conditions are right for snorkelling and kayaking.
The Whangateau HarbourCare Group is committed to keeping the Whangateau Harbour in the best condition possible for the well-being of wildlife and marine life and for the enjoyment of present and future generations.
The exhibition will run from Friday 4th December to Friday 18th December. Unframed prints will be available on order at the exhibition.
Whangateau HarbourCare Group is grateful for the sponsorship and support of the Rodney District Council, Auckland Regional Council, Seaweek, WWF, Experiencing Marine Reserves and Department of Conservation.
Exhibition details:
Venue: Bank Street Art Gallery, Kaitaia.
Dates: December 4 to 18, 2009
Times: Open Tuesday to Friday 10am to 3pm, Saturday 10am to 1pm