Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 2 comments
with a theme of
Mountains to Sea
Engaging Communities in Marine and Freshwater Conservation
Whakapaumahara Marae, Whananaki.
We wish to invite the community to attend the keynote address outlined below.
How can we improve our harbours?
Come and hear it from the horse's mouth - Fred Lichtwark
Whakapaumahara Marae - 7pm, Wednesday 7th October
How are riparian plants and seagrass related to improved farm production and more fish in our harbours?
The Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust wishes to invite interested community members to hear the Keynote speaker of the National Marine and Freshwater Education Wananga.
This year’s wananga theme is Mountains to Sea – engaging communities in marine and freshwater conservation, with the purpose being to provide professional development, inspirational and networking opportunities for all those involved or interested in freshwater and marine conservation, education and community engagement.
Fred Lichtwark spearheaded the Whaingaroa (Raglan) Harbour Care Group (WHCG), an award winning, successful community project that is used as a national model of riparian management. Since 1995, WHCG has grown and planted more than 750,000 native trees along streams and harbour edges within the Whaingaroa catchment. Proof of the success of the project is evident by the clearer waters and recovering shellfish and fish stocks. Fred will share his experience with a successful model of catchment management that improved fresh and marine waterways @ 7pm on Wednesday the 7th October.
Entry by koha.
Attendance for any other part of conference requires official registration. For all enquires, registration and full programme information contact Samara Nicholas
Phone 09 433 8205
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 1 comment
Black band disease is one of six studied in the Philippines
Coral reefs where lots of different kinds of fish swim are healthier than overfished ones, scientists have shown.
Researchers showed a reduced incidence of coral disease in areas of the Philippines where fishing is banned, compared with neighbouring areas.
They conclude that some types of fish probably carry coral diseases.
Writing in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) they suggest that when predatory fish are absent, disease-carrying species thrive.
Members of a family called butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae), which are not caught for food, appear the likely culprits in disease transmission.
If you have a well-managed marine protected area, it works to keep coral healthier
Dr Laurie Raymundo
University of Guam |
"People like to eat the big predators such as groupers and a few others," said lead researcher Laurie Raymundo.
"In some cases [on the reefs we studied] these species are not so abundant, and in others they've just gone.
"And the general trend is that where you find more functional diversity, you find fewer butterflyfish," the University of Guam researcher told BBC News.
Coral diseases have inflicted substantial damage in a number of regions in recent years, notably the Caribbean, where naturally abundant species such as elkhorn and staghorn have been almost wiped out in some places.
Abundant evidence
The causes of the six diseases in Dr Raymundo's study are not all known, but are thought to include bacteria and viruses.
Members of the butterflyfish family may carry coral disease
The researchers selected seven marine protected areas (MPAs), mostly just a few hectares in size, where fishing has been banned for at least five years, and seven neighbouring areas with the same underlying ecology.
In every case, the fished sites showed a higher incidence of disease - double, in some cases.
The researchers found an unusually high abundance of butterflyfish on heavily diseased reefs; and that butterflyfish numbers fell when there were lots of other types of fish around.
Many butterflyfish species feed on coral, and that is perhaps how they transmit disease.
The researchers subsequently scoured a database on coral conditions on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and found similar patterns.
Diverse picture
The relationship between coral disease and other environmental issues is complex.
Disease seems to be exacerbated by pollutants such as sewerage and fertiliser, and may be stimulated by anything that stresses coral, such as the abnormally high water temperatures seen in East Asia during El Nino years.
Australian researchers have argued that protecting the diversity of reef life could provide a partial defence against climate impacts, by keeping corals generally healthy and enhancing their capacity to cope with rising temperatures.
Dr Raymundo's work is making the case for protecting marine life, particularly the big predatory fish beloved of fishermen and fish-eaters, in order to keep reefs healthy - although that might not mean banning fishing entirely from such areas.
"One of the things that came out of this is that if you have a well-managed MPA, it works to keep coral healthier," she said.
"But even on reefs that are fished, if you can maintain diversity you still have that effect on coral health.
"So as long you keep certain species there and can control fishing - don't catch in certain seasons or don't catch fish under a certain size, whatever is appropriate - you might not have to ban it completely."
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 1 comment
Tuesday October 6, at 7pm, there will be an opportunity to view this controversial movie about the use of 1080 in New Zealand and talk with the movie's makers, the Graf brothers.
Screening at the Little Theatre in the Kaitaia Community Centre, entry is by koha.
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 1 comment
You are cordially invited to the Doubtless Bay Marine Protection Group's AGM:
7pm Monday 28th September
Mangonui Yacht Club
Mill Bay
A review of the community marine questionnaire results will be presented.
A light supper will be provided
To visit the Living Sea Doubtless Bay website, please click here.
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 1 comment
Transition Towns Whangarei Steering Group wish to invite you to the ‘Sustainable Home’s Expo’ it is facilitating at NorthTec’s Raumanga Campus, Gate 1, Raumanga Valley Road, on the 26th September 9am - 4pm.
The ‘Sustainable Homes Expo’ has been designed to show-case practical information to help people make choices about what technology best meets their sustainable building and/or retrofit needs and introduce local suppliers of this technology to consumers. The Sustainable Homes Expo will include information on building design and materials; retrofit options; hot water systems; insulation; energy solutions; water conservation and sewerage solutions. There will be exhibits, speakers, demonstrations, vendors, product buyers and a whole lot of sharing and fun. Entrance will be free to both suppliers and public although a koha will be appreciated.
It looks like we will catch a fine window in the weather.
Transition Town will be putting on seven seminars at the Sustainable Homes Expo. These are free to the public and will consist of presentations, panel discussions and question and answer sessions. They are:
Whoa to Go - Building a sustainable home from the ground up. 9.00 am.
This will focus on those who are interested in building their own sustainable home. This will cover things that people should consider when purchasing property, site design, architecture, summary of building materials and technologies, building consent and compliance issues.
Material Success: What to use when building your sustainable home 10.00am
This will cover a variety of sustainable building materials and technology including strawbale, rammed earth, mudbrick, and non toxic building materials.
The ins and out of Insulation 11.00am
This will cover the variety of insulation options available to both those seeking to add insulation to existing homes and those intending to build their own.
How to make your home more sustainable 12.00pm
This is aimed at those that want to make their existing homes more sustainable including cheap and easy things renters can do. This will cover solar hot water systems, insulation, double glazing, secondary glazing, hot water cylinder wraps etc.
Getting into hot water: Sustainable hot water systems 1.00pm
This is aimed at both those interested in building and those seeking to retrofit their current house. It will cover the various types of hot water systems available, including solar and wetbacks, as well as costs, pros and cons.
Renewable energy 2.00pm
This will look at alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, water and issues with each including storage, batteries and being off grid.
What to do with poo: Sewerage and water conservation 3.00pm
This will cover a variety of sustainable sewerage systems, rain water harvesting, grey water capture and other water conservation options
The exhibitors can be viewed here.
We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Saunders
Whangarei Transition Towns Steering Group
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 2 comments
Click here
to view details of a Pataka building workshop to be held this weekend, September 26, 27 at Paremata, Horeke. Brought to you by Taitokerau Organics
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago 2 comments
You are cordially invited to the Doubtless Bay Marine Protection Group's AGM:
7pm Monday 28th September
Mangonui Yacht Club
Mill Bay
A review of the community marine questionnaire results will be presented.
A light supper will be provided
To visit the Living Sea Doubtless Bay website, please click here.