Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    3 comments

This update has just come through from Rod Brown, setting a new date for the Waewaetotara planting expedition.

Hallo all,

Project Island Song – restoring the biodiversity of the eastern B.O.I. Waewaetorea Planting - rescheduled for Tuesday 21 July

 All who are able to come would be most welcome. The plants which will have been on the island since 12 July will be very pleased to see you. The plan is to plant about 1450 native plants in a small catchment facing Okahu passage.  This is the 6th year of planting and will add to the 6600 plants of previous years.

Fullers have again very generously offered their large catamaran for transport at no charge and we will be ferried ashore at the island by DOC’s barge.

The boat will leave Paihia wharf at 0930 sharp. Please be there by 0910. Return trip will leave the island at 3pm with ETA Paihia 3.30 pm approx. The boat will call at Russell if required.

Please advise me if you intend to embark at Russell.

Bring clean (and sharp) spade, lunch, water, towel, and waterproof jacket. Boots and spades must be clean to avoid spreading weeds and muddying the boat. Take a plastic bag to cover your spade for transport Bring a change of footwear for the passage home to avoid dirtying Fuller’s vessel

 A reasonable level of fitness is required as some of the terrain is steep and carrying plants is involved. We are expecting fine weather but it is essential that you contact Rod Brown, preferably by email, in case the planting day has to be postponed because of the weather or any other reason.

Rod Brown For Guardians of the BOI

Email: summerhouse@xtra.co.nz

 Website: www.thesummerhouse.co.nz

Telephone: 64 9 407 4294

 Fax: 64 9 407 4297

Square Foot Gardening Workshop, Hua Whenua Community Garden This Saturday

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    1 comment

Transition Towns Kaitaia, TOPIS, Far North Environmental Centre, Te Hauora O Te Hiku O Te Ika and our local community have been working to initiate the Hua Whenua – Community Garden Project and we would love for you to come along and be part of it.

Our next workshop is on square foot planting. We will be planting up the Organiponico beds we made in June using this technique. It is a great time to meet others in the community and learn for your own home garden.

Date: Saturday 18th July

Venue: Nurses Rec Hall

Te Hauora O Te Hiku O Te Ika

49 Redan Road


Time: 10am – 12pm

To bring: A hat, some lunch, gloves and 30cm ruler.

For more information on this workshop or the garden contact Callie Corrigan at Te Hauora O Te Hiku O Te Ika on 4084024

Microsoft Word - Square foot gardening v1_2_.pdf

This project is supported by Far North Environment Centre, TOPIS, Te Oranga and Kaitaia Transition Towns



Phone Poll on GMO's in Northland - Coming Your Way!

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    2 comments

Consultation on GMO Regulation in Northland.

Zelka Grammer of GE FREE Northland has sent in this message to alert residents of Northland to the imminent consultation on GE Organism releases in our Region. The edited text appears below.

"No doubt you have heard the great news about GE FREE NZ's (and subsidiary groups like GE FREE NORTHLAND) win in the High Court against ERMA and AgResearch. This High Court decision has stopped AgResearch for now and gives credence to the important work the Inter Council Working Party on GMO Risk Evaluation & Options is doing in Auckland/Northland peninsula (which our local GE FREE group, NCB and F & B branches are supporting with submissions to NRC draft LTCCP 2009/19 etc) Please be alert to the imminent collaborative GE community consultation in the Auckland/Northland area (including a telephone poll).


The Far North District Council, Auckland Regional Council and most of the territorial authorities north of Auckland right up to Cape Reinga are planning to carry out collaborative community consultation on Genetically Modified Organisms. We understand that Colmar Brunton has been commissioned to conduct a telephone survey during the month of July to ratepayers and residents to get their opinions on GMOs. They will be asking in particular whether ratepayers are satisfied with current national regulation by central government agencies ERMA and MAF (under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996) or whether people would like local councils to regulate GMOs in some way.

Survey participants who advocate regulation of GMO land use by local councils will further be asked their opinion on regulation of GMOs versus outright prohibition. Please be aware of the possibility of getting such a phone call so that you can engage constructively. This is important because the results could be used to justify a pro-or anti-GE stance by councils in the North. It is important that respondents know that both ERMA and MAF/Biosecurity NZ have been performing appalling badly in recent years, including the recent High Court decision which found that ERMA was not only making serious errors of judgement but also in breach of the law (HSNO Act). There will also be a submission process that you can participate in, but this will be after the telephone poll. 


Zelka Grammer


Committee member, Northern branch F & B

Coordinator, Maungakaramea Landcare Group

Member, RWNZ 

And from RURAL WOMEN NZ's Rural Women Alive! RWNZ E-newsletter #87 10 June 2009

Risks of GMO Land Use

Auckland and Northland communities are having an opportunity to air their views on genetic engineering (GE) and how Auckland and Northland councils should deal with field trials and/or commercial releases of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Seven councils on the Inter Council Working Party on GMO Risk Evaluation and Management Options will engage in community consultation including a telephone poll to gauge public opinion.

Chairperson Dr Kerry Grundy said two major reports commissioned by the Working Party have identified a range of risks involved with trialling and releasing GMOs, including environmental, socio-cultural risks and economic risks.

For further information contact Dr Kerry Grundy, Whangarei District Council on (09) 430 4200 (during council hours) or

Freephone 0800 WDC INFO or 0800 932 463

Whangarei District Council (09) 430 3510 or

email: kerryg@wdc.govt.nz

see also:

www.nzherald.co.nz/environment/news/article.cfm?c_id=39&objectid=10577098 Ban on GE imports welcomed NZ HERALD 8 June 09

www.arc.govt.nz/index.cfm?58A620FD-14C2-3D2D-B9CA-EA5858882785&objUUID=CC6AA3DF-14C2-3D2D-B9F8-AE9F33575DBB 11 June 2009: Auckland Regional Council Media release High Court ruling gives nod to ARC's cautious take on GMOs A High Court ruling overturning the government's Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) decision to accept GMO applications from AgResearch is applauded by the Auckland Regional Council (ARC).


Nest Counting for OSNZ

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    3 comments

OSNZ Nest Count

G'day all,

OSNZ runs a nest recording scheme. This year we are being asked to record details of the earliest nests of blackbirds and thrushes. Recording forms can be downloaded from the OSNZ website www.osnz.org.nz

This website is well worth a look. Learn more about the birds in our immediate environment and how they fit into the wider picture of habitat health and even how they are indicators of the effects of global climate change. Taking part in activities like this nest count helps to build up a picture of the changes that are taking place.

Please contact Anthea Goodwin (09 4061533 or email bushcrank@actrix.co.nz) who will be very happy to offer any support and advice.

Details of nests found for any other species are of course also of interest.

DOC is able to provide a boat to reach Kokota Sandspit on Saturday 25 July for a wader count. Please let Detlef know - ph 09 4073874 or email detlefdavies@yahoo.co.nz if you would like to join us that day or that weekend.

Good birding,

Detlef, Far North RR

Planting on Dunes, Waipapakauri Ramp, Sunday July 12

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    1 comment

Spinifex for Ninety Mile Beach

Volunteers are invited to come and enjoy a day of spinifex planting on the dunes of Ninety Mile Beach this Sunday, July 12.

Meet at Waipapakauri Ramp at 10 am and bring a spade, sturdy shoes and wet weather gear - just in case!

For more info, contact Mary Jane on 4067242


Film Evening: A Farm for the Future, 10 July Little Theatre, 6.30pm

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    2 comments




At the Kaitaia Community Centre


10TH JULY, 6.30PM

Rebecca Hosking investigates how to transform her family's farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future, exploring ways of farming without using fossil fuel. With the help of pioneering farmers and growers, Rebecca learns that it is actually nature that holds the key to farming in a low energy future.

Comment from John Kenderdine, "I have watched this film and it is wonderful. Everything you wanted to know about the future of farming but were afraid to ask. Although it is made in Devon and not NZ, it raises the same issues about the future of farming that all modern farmers will have to face in the near future. While all the answers in this film may not apply here, the problems do, and we hope there will always be someone bright enough to adapt other people's ideas for local use".

All welcome. TTK accept koha to assist with expenses. Join us for supper (hot soup) and discussion after the film.

Transition Town Kaitaia will be showing films on the second Friday of every month. A tentative programme for the remainder of the year will be available at the Little Theatre on film nights.


Planting at Taumarumaru Reserve, Coopers Beach, Saturday July 11

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    1 comment


If you would like to get involved in the ongoing tree planting and maintenance at the Taumarumaru Reserve - opposite the Bowling Club at Coopers Beach - come along on Saturday 11 July.

Volunteers will gather in the carpark at the entrance to the reserve at 9.30am.

With hundreds of native trees already planted at the reserve over the past few years, this is a very successful example of a community revegetation project that is creating a beautiful area of publicly accessible coastal bush. New volunteers will be given a warm welcome and everyone who plants a few trees gets to enjoy the morning tea kindly provided by the good folk from the Department of Conservation.

Enquiries to David Panckhurst on 4060559

Employment opportunity at the Far North Environment Centre

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    3 comments

Sustainable Living Activator

Part-time position (approx 24hours/pw)
Initial12 month contract

An exciting and challenging position has been developed as Sustainable Living Activator at the Far North Environment Centre. We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic person who has a great eye for detail, good time management and accuracy in their administration skills.

For more information on the role and how to apply, please see the attached position description below:

Sustainable Living Activator PD 07 2009.pdf
