Biogas as a Transport Fuel Workshop and Tour: Auckland 18th November

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago    2 comments

Bioenergy Association of New Zealand - Workshop

‘Biogas as a Transport Fuel’

18th November 2010

HERA House, 17-19 Gladding Place, Manakau City, Auckland

The workshop will showcase innovative biogas vehicle fuel technologies and feature New Zealand based biogas experts speaking on the topics of biogas purification, biogas logistics, biogas vehicle conversions, gas vehicle fleet management as well as financial and legal aspects. The event will feature a field trip to a biogas vehicle fuel pilot project, providing conference participants with an opportunity to experience the technology face to face in the field. The workshop will be an excellent opportunity to meet with people in the industry and learn from their experiences. It will help biogas resource owners to better evaluate their energy potential and future options for biogas use in vehicles, and provide them with a better understanding of framework conditions that provide for the successful and economically viable use of biogas in vehicles.

For more information on the workshop programme, click on the PDF download link below:

Biogas workshop programme.pdf

To download the workshop registration form, click on the link below:

Biogas as a Transport Fuel registration.doc

If you would like further information please click here to contact the Programme Administrator, or visit: and


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