Budget Cuts Funding for Environmental Education

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    1 comment

Forwarded from the NZAEE (NZ Association of Environmental Educators)

On the 28th of May the National Government announced in the 2009 Budget significant cuts to environmental education (EE), education for sustainability (EfS) and adult community education (ACE) programmes funded through the Ministry of Education, and also to general sustainability initiatives funded by the Ministry for the Environment. The NZAEE Executive believe these funding cuts to be short-sighted in the context of a global shift towards environmental protection and sustainability, and also reckless in these times of recession when education, training and upskilling is vital and community demand for support initiatives is intensifying.

The 2009 Budget includes cuts to the following programmes and initiatives:

The Enviroschools Foundation (who coordinate the Enviroschools programme nationally involving 670 schools)

Education for Sustainability Advisory Services (EfS Advisors who provide curriculum support for teachers)

Matauranga Taiao (EfS support for Kura Kaupapa Maori) • The Environmental Education Guidelines Review Project (technical EE/EfS support for teachers in schools)

Adult Community Education (provision of community-based life-long learning classes - ie "night schools" - which fund sustainable living skills courses)

Householder Sustainability Programme "What's your next step?" (coordinated by the Ministry for the Environment)

Public Place Recycling Programme (funded by the Ministry for the Environment)

Govt3 Programme (coordinated by the Ministry for the Environment to deliver leadership in sustainability practices by government agencies)

The Sustainable Business Network (part-funded by the Ministry for the Environment)

These are small funding cuts in a financial sense, but will impact hundreds of thousands of people across the country, as well as severely compromising New Zealand's own "Clean and Green - 100% Pure" global brand. NZAEE think it is simply crazy that a government who supposedly believe "New Zealand's environment is at the core of our quality of life, our national identity, and our competitive advantage" [National Party 2008 Environment Policy] and who care about business achievement and a knowledge economy, would go ahead and cease funding to programmes and initiatives that would make New Zealand a global leader in sustainability and safeguard continued trade and tourism advantages derived from our natural environment.

NZAEE believe it is time to take action NZAEE Executive are asking that you step up and take action for Aotearoa New Zealand - our people, our environment, our future. PLEASE:

1. Distribute this message as soon as possible to anyone you know who believes in a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for our people and country - family, friends, business leaders, neighbours, community groups, schools - and encourage them to take action.

2. Write a letter or email ASAP urging the government to continue to support these programmes. Please use your own words and make your letter positive, focusing on the what our environment and a sustainable Aotearoa means to you, your family, your business, your organisation. Send copies to the following people:

A. The Prime Minister. RT. Hon John Key, (Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 888, Wellington 6160 john.key@parliament.govt.nz)

B. The Minister of Education, Hon. Anne Tolley (Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 888, Wellington 6160, anne.tolley@parliament.govt.nz)

C. The Minister for the Environment, Hon. Nick Smith (Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 888, Wellington 6160, nick.smith@parliament.govt.nz)

D. Your Local Member of Parliament (Freepost Parliament, Private Bag 18 888, Wellington 6160, firstname.surname@parliament.govt.nz)

E. The BlueGreens - the National Party's environmental team of MPs (environment@national.org.nz)

3. Write to:

a. Your local paper

b. The New Zealand Herald (short and to the point)

4. Go and visit your local MP to discuss your letter/email. We all know that talking with people one-on-one can be very effective at communicating your message.

Thank you for taking action. Trish Kirkland-Smith and Pam Crisp - NZAEE Co-Chairs 



12 years, 2 months ago
and gradually get rid of the 80 to 90s respected elite worship philosophy。 immediately following the "grassroots" culture sweeping the globe。 consumers placed to a considerable height.

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