Climate Action Planning for 10/10/2010 Event

Posted 14 years, 6 months ago    1 comment

Local, National and Global Climate Action

The Environment Centre is planning to participate in the 10/10/2010 Global day of Action on Climate Change - or Climate Working Bee, as it's been dubbed in Aotearoa - with an event involving bicycles. We're still open to suggestions as to what form that will take. It would be great to make this more than a one day wonder by supporting the establishment of a Bike Recycle Workshop where people can bring those neglected bikes they have at the back of the garage and have them restored and passed on (inexpensively) to someone else in the community who would make use of it. We need a space where this could be established and someone, perhaps a retiree with mechanical aptitude, to be Chief Mechanic!

For the 10/10 day itself we could then be ready for a great bike rally.

Let's hear your ideas on how and where we could make both the workshop and the rally happen!

Call Soozee on 4081086 or email with your ideas for putting the Far North on the map via some really practical action on climate change.

Meanwhile, to get involved in the nation-wide campaign, check out the following volunteer positions with or go to the website to learn more about the Global Work Day.

The following is from Lara, Coordinator for the 10/10  Global Climate Working Bee in New Zealand:

Kia ora koutou,

Firstly, we want to give a big shout out and hello to everyone that helped with 350 last year. Things are really gearing up for another inspirational 350 year on 10/10/10. Outlined below is an update on where things are at.

2010 Campaign Update

Lara Charles , the part-time campaign coordinator, has been onboard for about a month. You can reach her on on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The focus this year is on encouraging as many climate actions as possible, i.e. activities that will reduce emissions as well as raise awareness.

The strategy is to spend August calling for action registrations (e.g. bike rides, bike repair workshops, insulation, tree planting, community gardens) and September raising awareness of 350 to the general public to encourage people to join an action on 10/10/10.

We're calling 10/10/10 the Global Climate Working Bee (a slightly more Kiwi adaption to global's work party idea). We are aiming to reach out to a broad cross-section of New Zealanders and are forming partnerships with environment centres, unions, youth groups, faith groups and others (plus using all our fab existing networks from last year) to get lots of activity happening on 10/10/10.

We’ve set a target of having 350+ actions registered across the country. We also have a global partnership with 10:10 which we’ll be promoting.

Polls show that the general public is increasingly confused about the science and support for climate action is waning. So we want the campaign to educate as well as motivate! With that is the 2010 campaign poster / positioning. The poster will be available to anyone that registers an action to promote their event locally. The graphic elements will be used across the new website (launched wk 26 July), action organiser How to Guide (ready very soon) and other material produced for 2010.

What’s next? We need help!

Volunteer job descriptions

To pull this off, we need as many hands on deck as possible and would love love love the support of any volunteers that can lend a hand. Outlined below are specific roles we have available – mini job descriptions. If there is something that interests you/your group and you do have the capacity, please let us know. To express your interest, send a short description on who you are/your background to by 5pm Thursday 29 July. Once confirmed, Lara will reply with a brief / more info to get you started. Thank you in advance, our volunteer support is invaluable!

Carving the Future fundraiser / movie night organisers

Purpose: Raise funds for 350 (plus cover your own costs) and encourage action registrations.

When: Run film night in August and / or September

Time it’ll take: Short burst of energy to get it off the ground (maybe 10 hours) then a few hours for liaison

Where: Anywhere in New Zealand

What we’ll provide: Carving the Future DVD, PDF flyer to distribute to attendees encouraging a 350 action on 10/10/10, graphics to design the invite Or if movies aren’t your thing, how about a band night fundraiser?

Climate change website copy writer/s

Purpose: Research and draft copy for the new 350 website for the following three content pages;

NZ Facts:

  • Key facts about what is climate change and the potential impacts on NZ (link to MfE)
  • Measuring and reducing our emissions: Information about how people can measure then reduce their carbon emissions year round (link to Landcare)
  • The ETS: Simply explain what it is, what’s good about it, what could be done better.

When: Have copy finished and to Lara by Monday 9 August

Time it’ll take: Estimated at 5 hours per page

Where: You can be based anywhere in NZ but need to be online regularly

350 t-shirt coordinator

Purpose: Coordinate the purchase and delivery of 350 t-shirts from sales that come from

This is a key fundraising strategy for 350 and therefore a key role!

When: From website launch (wk 26 July) to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: A couple of hours a week initially but will be busier in the lead up to 10/10/10 (say 5 – 10 hours a week)

Where: Wellington

University coordinators (Victoria University, Massey University, The University of Auckland, AUT, University of Waikato, Lincoln University, University of Otago, University of Canterbury)

Purpose: Develop relationships with green groups and other university networks, distribute information material about 350, call for volunteers in the region if needed and encourage as many action registrations from university groups as possible.

When: From website launch (wk 26 July) to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: Say 3 - 5 hours a week (or as much as you can give!)

Where: One person/group for each of the universities above and be able to Skype/email Lara regularly for updates

What we’ll provide: promotional blurbs and material, guidance

Schools coordinator

Purpose: The 2010 school poster and handout has already been produced so this role will be to get the 350 message out to as many school networks as possible to encourage registrations. The purpose will also be to support Enviroschools when needed.

When: From website launch (wk 26 July) to Schools’ Day of Climate Action on Thursday 23rd September

Time it’ll take: Say 3 - 5 hours a week

Where: Anywhere and be able to Skype/email Lara regularly for updates

What we’ll provide: promotional blurbs and material, guidance

Regional sports groups’ coordinators (Upper North Island, Central North Island, Lower North Island, Upper South Island, Lower South Island)

Purpose: Develop relationships with sports networks in your region with the aim of 350 being able to be featured in their communications channels. Overarching aim is to have as many action registrations from sports groups as possible.

When: From website launch (wk 26 July) to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: Say 3 - 5 hours a week (or as much as you can give!)

Where: One group/person for each of the regions above and be able to Skype/email Lara regularly for updates

What we’ll provide: promotional blurbs and material, guidance Regional community group coordinators (Upper North Island, Central North Island, Lower North Island, Upper South Island, Lower South Island)

Purpose: Develop relationships with community group networks (Rotary and Lions in particular) in your region with the aim of 350 being able to be featured in their communications channels. Overarching aim is to have as many action registrations from community groups as possible.

When: From website launch (wk 26 July) to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: Say 3 - 5 hours a week (or as much as you can give!)

Where: One group/person for each of the regions as per above and be able to Skype/email Lara regularly for updates

What we’ll provide: promotional blurbs and material, guidance

Action organisers

Register your own action for 10/10/10! A bike ride? A community garden? Details, planning tips and how to register will all be on the new website, launched next week. 350 marketers!

Purpose: Raise heaps of awareness of 350 in your community, e.g. host a stand at markets / festivals, host a movie information night – the sky’s the limit!

When: Throughout August to encourage registrations and/or throughout September to encourage volunteers

Time it’ll take: However much or little you can commit

Where: Anyway in NZ

What we’ll provide: promotional blurbs and material, guidance Launch event assistant

Purpose: Assist Lara in organising the launch of the 350 campaign. This will potentially be at Parliament on 23 September. Still working on the details!

When: Early August to 23 September

Time it’ll take: A couple of hours a week

Where: Wellington

Fundraising event assistant

Purpose: Assist Lara in organising the logistics of a fundraising event at Logan Brown

When: End August to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: A couple of hours a week

Where: Wellington PR assistant

Purpose: Assist Lara in building a media database, distributing media releases and pitching 350 to targeted media

When: Early August to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: A couple of hours a week

Where: Wellington

Online marketing assistant

Purpose: Assist Lara in putting updates on 350 Aotearoa’s Facebook, Twitter and Intersect social media pages following content and tone guidelines that will provided

When: Early August to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: A couple of hours a week

Where: Wellington

Photography coordinator

Purpose: Work with regional partners and/or existing networks to ensure a selection of high resolution photos are taken at key sites across the country. Collate all photos, put online, and also in a central file for 350 access.

When: End September to 10/10/10

Time it’ll take: Say 5 – 10 hours a week for a few weeks

Where: you can be based anywhere in NZ but need to be online regularly to check and reply to emails

Until next time Think that’s it! If there is something above that interests you/your group and you do have the capacity, please let us know by sending a short description on who you are/your background to by 5pm Thursday 29 July. Once confirmed, Lara will reply with a brief / more info to get you started.

Oh and look out for the new website next week! We will be in contact again soon with more updates on 350 and 10/10/10. In the meantime, you can help out by simply spreading the word to your friends, family and workmates about 350ppm. It is the number that science shows is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. It’s the number we need to get back below as soon as possible to avoid setting off irreversible tipping points in the climate. We’re currently at 390ppm and rising by about 2ppm a year, but we’re getting to work to start turning that around. Cheers, The 350 team.


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