Communiy Development Plan Meeting, Taipa Resort, Wednesday Aug 26 at 7pm

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    1 comment

Nau mai,

Haire mai,


 Public Meeting

 to Further a Community Development Plan

for the Taipa - Oruru - Peria Area

 Taipa Bay Beach Resort

 7pm Wednesday 26th August

 Community Development Planning

A Community Development Plan is an exercise undertaken by a representative group from a community, at the invitation of the Far North District Council. An officer of the Council assists the community with the process, but the community essentially creates the plan.

Basically, the Community Development Plan produced by the community is an expression of how the community would like its town to develop over the next 15 -20 year period. The plan is given a guiding, ‘visioning statement’ which sets the over all tone of the plan and describes the direction the community want to go in. The plan is also normally broken into sections which focus on areas of interest for the community, such as environmental issues, educational, recreational and cultural concerns and business opportunities.

 When a draft plan has been created, the group responsible for its creation seek endorsement from the community. Once the community is satisfied the plan express’s their desires for the future, the final plan is presented to the Council’s Community Board. Once the plan is in Council, Department Managers advise on the feasibility, costs and possible timeframes for projects Council might be involved with.

Normally, a plan contains material which involves Regional Council, other agencies and Central Government issues also. The Council can sometimes assist the community to work with these other groups. Essentially, a ‘Community Development Plan’ can be seen as a ‘Blueprint’ for a community’s future in that it can serve as a rallying point for community action, because many of the projects in a plan can be conducted by the community themselves. It can also be viewed as a communal submission to Council planning processes, such as the LTCCP, because the plan goals, if adopted by Council, will guide Council’s own planning, activity and expenditure.

 A community development plan can only be effective if it is created and driven by a broad range of committed people from all parts of the community. It also requires strong, positive interest from the wider community, who need to ensure their concerns and ideas for the future of their town are reflected by the plan.

 This is the third public meeting in a series to develop the planning process. Please feel welcome to attend on Wednesday evening, and play a part of the future of your community.

Ken RossCommunity Development Advisor

Far North District Council

Phone 09 401 5575

Mobile 021 570 174


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