Doubtless Bay Marine Protection Minutes

Posted 16 years ago    2 comments

Te Roopu Whakahauora o Tokerau
Minutes of meeting held 2nd Feb 2009 7pm Taipa School Science Block
Present John Mathews, Bryce Smith, Anthea Goodwin, Philippa Moran, John
Kenderdine, Stephen Tansey, Yvonne Steinemann, Richard Robbins, Mary Ralph,
Dwayne Walsh.
Andre Kunz
John Mathews opened the evening with a prayer at 7.15pm
Bryce spoke of the seasonal variations from Tangaroa - looks like a long season of fat kina – good for us and good for the snapper – all good for our stomachs
Mary talked about the start of her project and looked at the number of game fish caught last year compared to 1937. There were 3 times the number caught last year
Questions were on what were the factors involved.
Discussion on MSY (maximum sustainable yield) and how this was perceived at local level – it seems that local level of what fish stocks are and that local knowledge is important and outside visitors have not done so well, in catching fish this summer.
Paul Hyland was commended for his attitudes to conservation - awareness seems to be growing.
Minutes of last meeting
Yvonne skimmed thru minutes
Matters Arising
Mary Ralph’s supervisor is not a paid position, only expenses paid – any info from Mary’s work is for the DBMPG to look after on behalf of community and could go into National Oral history archives.
Discussion on ownership rights of interviews and the idea that perhaps we could make sure that all info is available freely – either on CD or ? to return to the interviewees –
the info from Maori is part of the commons knowledge. John Popata’s contact details were given to Mary so she could follow up to see if they could do some work together as they are both looking at oral history in the area.
Questions for Mary to consider during interviews - Back River road and changes to Paewhenua island - harbour changes - water quality, mangrove distribution – land use – who and where people used to live.
Original tapes from Leane’s interviews to be made available to Mary.
Discussion about where some of our material is – Habitat document and Muriwhenua fishing report to be found.
Bryce is offering to archive our material.Everyone is asked to bring whatever they have which could be useful for our archives.
CDs and DVDs were unearthed and discussed – Stephen has all old oral history tapes and will put them onto CDs
3 copies of contracts from Mary were presented to be signed – between host and Mary and Royal Society. Richard has looked at contract and is OK with it.
Maturahurahu wants to talk to DOC at a group meeting to define our relationship so as to be able to decide whether DBMPG has the hapu’s support.
Yvonne wants to restate our independence as a community led group and our objectives.
Moved by Yvonne – we reiterate that we are a community based organisation aiming and to work with whanau, hapu, iwi, and community and are independent of all govt organisations but appreciate and accept their support when appropriate. 2nd Anthea – passed by all except Bryce and John Mathews who abstained until they have discussed the situation with DoC. Consequently we want a DoC rep at next meeting to discuss this issue.
The issue of putting in an application for a MR was discussed
April was suggested as a cut off for responses to the questionnaire. Do we want an application for a MR at our next meeting?
Yvonne says to look at getting a 100 response and then we can take a bolder step towards what we want.
AMA applications are being pushed and we need to be prepared .
Anthea passed around a newspaper clipping covering Wade Doak’s suggestion for marine protected areas – we will look at getting this in the DB Times??
Richard Edmundson (reporter) could be useful for publicity – he has been interested in the past in our activities.
A number of people advised that they are interested in attending BOI. MPA forum meeting on the 10th Feb – Philippa to liaise with those interested in going.
Time line for action - 1st April as cut off for questionnaire returns.
Bryce will have an application for MR at next meeting.
Friday 10th April is start of school hols and we will look at a group picnic. (to be followed up)
Thank you letters to launch day participants to be written by Philippa.
Documents with questionnaires to be distributed to schools - Mary to do Mangonui School, Bryce to do Oruaiti School, Yvonne to do Peria School, Dwayne to get something in school newsletter at Taipa.
Chase up details for Seaweek - 1st March start.
Need to push each source where documents were left
Jet ski problems were discussed after a request from a member of the public to try and control their nuisance level. It was noted that ski lane is not being used or enforced - rules to be looked at to see what should be enforced.
Estuaries state discussed and what can be done - water quality upstream is main issue – described as disgusting cesspool in some places. Council looking at opening all estuaries river mouths into Doubtless Bay – issue is to
support their discharge consent.
Bryce blessed the group and meeting ended at 9.10pm
Next meeting - 7pm Monday,23rd Feb.


Leane Makey
16 years ago
Just got your minutes of 2 Feb 2009. I saw you discussed the questions around the difference in game fishing numbers between 1937 and 2008/09 (??). One question I am always interested in is the influence of technology on such numbers. It is generally considered that with industrialisation we have seen the ability of fishers to travel faster, further and longer away from their home port. We have also seen technological changes in fishing gear, echosounders, forward sounders to find fish especially schooling fish.

I also wanted to see how you were organising your submissions? If you need any assistance with this please let me know. We could possibly set up a database to store the submissions and query the questions and do some basic statistic's. Oh such fun!!

Any questions regarding the oral history interviews I did please let me know. It may also be beneficial to get participants to sign an consent form regarding their participation and use of their knowledge in DBMPG business and Mary's research?

Take care
Leane Makey
12 years, 2 months ago
Following the the Close only its own factories in China,

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