Water Quality Watch: Freshwater monitoring results deteriorating with rainfall

Posted 15 years ago    1 comment

The water quality in a number of the waterways of Doubtless Bay and Northland has deteriorated over the last 10 days.

Water quality monitoring carried out by Doubtless Bay Community Care for Our Catchment and Northland Regional Council over the last 10 days have both recorded deterioration in water quality in a number of waterways.

Rainfall = Increased overland runoff = Deterioration in water quality

In general terms, the long dry period Northland has been experiencing has resulted in improved freshwater quality. However, the rainfall experienced over the last 10 days has resulted in deteriorating water quality at a number of sites.

Doubtless Bay Community Care for Our Catchment monitoring results:

Water quality sample results taken by Doubtless Bay Community Care for Our Catchment on 29 January have highlighted the decline in water quality in Doubtless Bay compared to the previous month’s monitoring. Results of the monitoring are shown below:

A PDF copy of all the monitoring results are below:

Water Quality Results January 10 Results.pdf

For more information on Doubtless Bay Community Care for Our Catchment please click here.

Northland Regional Council monitoring results:

Each summer, Northland regional Council test the water quality at a number of Northland’s popular coastal and freshwater swimming spots to make sure it’s safe for swimming. The testing starts in December each year and continues for 12 weeks through to March the following year.

Northland Regional Council notes that heavy rainfall received earlier this week has led to high levels of bacteria at some freshwater sites, and recommends avoiding swimming for 24 to 48 hours after heavy rainfall.

Samples taken week beginning 01 February 2010:

Status system

NRC give a three tier status system for swimming water quality (the same system used by Doubtless Bay Community Care for Our Catchment).  This is based by assessing the risk of contamination at a freshwater swimming site using levels of the indicator bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli).  Find out more about what NRC test for

Green - safe to swim Green: safe to swim
 Escherichia coli count less than 260/100ml

Orange: caution

 Orange: caution, potentially unsuitable to swim
 Escherichia coli count more than 260/100ml

Red: unsafe to swim Red: unsafe to swim
 Escherichia coli count more than 550/100ml

This week's results

The table below shows the most recent results for all the freshwater sites sampled in Northland.  All locations are in alphabetical order.

LOCATION Site No. Status Result
Coopers Beach Stream 101870

Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim

Kaihu River, at campground 102221 Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim
Kapiro Bridge, at Purerua Road 102838

Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim


Kerikeri, Stone Store bridge 101530 Green - safe to swim Green:
 Safe to swim
Lake Taharoa 105434

Green - safe to swim

 Green: Safe to swim

Langs Beach Stream 104539

Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim

Ocean Beach Stream

Green - safe to swim Green: Safe to swim

Omamari Beach Stream 102305

Red: unsafe to swim

 Red: Unsafe to swim

Otamure Bay Stream 108859 Green - safe to swim Green:
 Safe to swim
Otaua Stream 108510

Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim

Raumanga Stream, Whangarei 103246 Orange: caution Orange:
Tirohanga Stream 102252 Green - safe to swim Green:
 Safe to swim
Twin Bridges 105973 Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim
Victoria River 104908

Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim

Waipapa Basin 105706

Green - safe to swim Green:
 Safe to swim

Waipapa River, Puketi 103248

Green - safe to swim NOT AVAILABLE

Waipoua River, at DOC campground


Red: unsafe to swim

 Red: Unsafe to swim


Waipu Stream

101207 Green - safe to swim Green:
 Safe to swim
Waitangi, at Lily Pond 104830

Orange: caution Orange:

Waro Lake, Hikurangi 107272 Green - safe to swim Green:
 Safe to swim
Whangarei Falls 105972

Red: unsafe to swim Red:
 Unsafe to swim


Check before you swim

In general, water can be contaminated and unsafe for swimming if:

  • there is a warning sign erected indicating water is unsafe.
  • there has been heavy rain recently.
  • the water looks dirty (murky).
  • there are several potential sources of contamination nearby and upstream such as:
    • houses on septic tanks;
    • stock with access to the water; or
    • a sewage treatment plant discharge.

Click here for more information on Northland Regional Council.


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