Drains to Harbour Programme for schools and communities

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago    8 comments

The Drains to Harbour (DTH) programme empowers schools and communities by providing hands-on experiences in the environment. After these experiences, students are encouraged to put their knowledge into action within the community.

The ‘Drains-to-Harbour’ campaign offers:

  • Free posters, brochures and relevant information for your school to keep
  • Free stormwater pollution presentation (led by MTSCT educator, using PowerPoint, video and sound)
  • Free coordination/organisation of field trips to local stream and drain stencilling sites
  • Free curriculum and safety management planning with teachers involved
  • Free coordination of volunteers to assist on field trips

To register your school’s interest and arrange an initial meeting, please contact Kim Jones by email or phone:

To email Kim: Click here 

Phone: 09 434 0779

Mobile: 027 243 4818


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