Got a great idea for an environmental project and need funding support?

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    1 comment

Press release from the Ministry for the Environment:

Sustainable Management Fund


The Ministry for the Environment wants to work with you to help make a positive difference to the environment.

The Sustainable Management Fund (SMF) provides funding to support community groups, iwi/hapÅ«, businesses and local government in taking practical actions that produce long-term environmental benefits, as well as encouraging proactive partnerships and promoting community action.  

If you have a great idea for a practical community-driven environmental project that directly supports one or more of the Ministry's priorities we would like to know about it. 

You may apply for a minimum of $10,000 and up to a maximum of $200,000 per financial year, for projects that start on 1 July 2009.  There is no limit to the number of applications you may submit.

Applicants who can clearly demonstrate the successful completion of another project using public funding may apply to the SMF for funding for up to three years.

Only practical community-driven environmental projects that directly support one or more of the Ministry's priorities outlined below will be eligible for funding:

  • encouraging sustainable households
  • sustainable land and water management
  • supporting sustainable business practices
  • meeting the challenges of climate change.

Click here for a list of SMF projects approved in the 2008/2009 funding round

If you wish to speak to an Adviser in the funding team please call 04 439 7400 or email:

Please note
The SMF is regularly oversubscribed.  For example last year, 130 applicants requested $21m over three years against available funding of $3.84m. 

All applications will be assessed against the SMF funding criteria and objectives, the Ministry's key priorities for the 2009 financial year, and their merit compared with other applications. 

Please ensure your project fits these requirements before submitting an application.


The Ministry welcomes applications from community groups, iwi/hapÅ«, businesses and local government who are legally registered New Zealand entities.  To be considered for funding you must be able to answer yes to the following:

  • Your organisation is a legally registered New Zealand entity such as an incorporated society or charitable trust, registered New Zealand business or local government authority.  Funding is not available to individuals or non-legal entities.
  • Your application will demonstrate adequate capability to deliver a successful project through:
    • strong project management and technical skills
    • access to necessary resources to successfully complete the project (such as office space, internet access, email, telephone and staff skills and experience).
    • Your application is able to demonstrate strong support and involvement from other organisations.
  • Your application encourages and promotes practical community action for the environment.
  • Your application is strictly for the period commencing 1 July 2009. This means that the SMF will not cover any expenses incurred before this date. 
  • Your application directly supports one or more of the Ministry's priorities outlined above.


Applications are to be completed with reference to the SMF Guidance for Applicants (for projects commencing 1 July 2009) ("the guide")




Read the guide

By reading the guide thoroughly, you will be able to determine if your project supports the SMF objectives.  The SMF is regularly oversubscribed therefore please ensure your project fits the eligibility criteria before submitting an application.   


Complete the online eligibility checklist

The online checklist will further identify if your project is eligible for funding.  Completing this checklist is a mandatory part of the application process. 

If you successfully complete the on-line eligibility checklist you will automatically be sent an email with a link to the application form


Complete the application form

For assistance in completing Section 4 "Milestones and Funding" of the application form, please refer to page 13 of the guide.


Submit your application

We prefer that you email your completed application form to by Thursday 22 January 2009. 

Alternatively, you may post or deliver your application to:

Projects and Partnerships
Ministry for the Environment
Environment House
23 Kate Sheppard Place
PO Box 10362
Wellington 6143

  • Please do not send extra attachments or supporting material. Only the application will be assessed.
  • Please do not bind your application if you are submitting it in hard copy format.



October 2008 Funding round opens (applications invited) Applicant
22 January 2009 Funding round closes (deadline for applications) Applicant
February 2009 Application assessment period Ministry
March 2009 Successful applicants notified to proceed to stage two (letters posted)
Unsuccessful applicants notified (letters posted)
April - May 2009 Project plan developed Ministry / Applicant
June 2009 Final approval by SMF assessment panel. Agreement developed Ministry
1 July 2009 Commencement of successful projects Ministry / Applicant

These dates are indicative only and may be subject to change.

Tips for writing a good application

When applying for funding, a well presented application, which strongly aligns with the funding criteria and is written in a way that is clear and concise, will stand the best chance of success. Tips for writing a good application to the SMF fund provides information to ensure you get the best out of your application.

Resources to help you plan your project

The following on-line resources may be useful when applying for funding, seeking further support or helping you plan your project. 

Community Resource Kit
Phone: 04 916 3300

The Department of Internal Affairs and Family and Community Services have developed the Community Resource Kit to help small or emerging community and voluntary groups, especially those just setting up for undergoing change.  This comprehensive kit includes information on 12 topics from planning to governance, through to financial management employment and information technology. 

Funding Information Service
Phone: 04 471 8900

The Funding Information Service is New Zealand's leader in funding information for voluntary organisations, iwi and community groups. 

Keeping it Legal E Ai Ki Te Ture
Phone: 04 385 0981

The NZ Federation of Voluntary Organisations and the Office for the Community & Voluntary Sector have developed this free resource to help community groups understand and meet their legal obligations. 

Grants Online
Phone: 0800 824 824

Grants Online enables visitors to complete online applications to Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) and/or Lottery Grants Board.  The site offers helpful prompts to ensure information is easily understood and applications are quickly and efficiently completed.

The Directory of Aotearoa New Zealand

Comprehensive directory of non-governmental organisations working in the field of international development.

Local Government

Find government information fast! This site is where you can find information, images and resources from all New Zealand government agencies and government funded sites.  It also has an A to Z of government agencies in New Zealand.

The Fundraising Institute of New Zealand

The Fundraising Institute of New Zealand is the professional body for people working in fundraising and is dedicated to promoting philanthropy and excellence in ethical fundraising. 

New Zealand's central government portal

Connecting you to New Zealand central and local government services. 

The Clearing House

Provides research and other resources to people and organisations involved in tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector research.  It builds a strong, vibrant research community by registering to share research and find resources or researchers with similar interests.

Technology New Zealand

For more general advice on running a business, visit the Business Portal. This site has been developed by the New Zealand government to provide business information online about a range of government agencies and departments.

Funding from other Government departments

The following table lists other funding resources available from other government departments.

Department of Conservation  

DOC's Nga Whenua Rahui fund supports conservation projects by tangata whenua groups.  Enquire at

The Biodiversity Advice Fund focuses on information and advice to land managers. It funds projects which inspire landholders or groups to better protect indigenous species on their land, such as workshops, field-days, and publications.  Enquire at

The Biodiversity Condition Fund aims to improve and maintain the condition of areas of indigenous vegetation, species and habitats. The fund seeks to broaden community effort in the management of indigenous biodiversity. Suitable projects may include fencing or pest control on private land.  Enquire at

The Nature Heritage Fund (NHF) is an independent contestable fund established by the Government in 1990 for voluntary protection of nature on private land.  Enquire at

The Community Conservation fund has been established for 2 years and is available to fund community groups to undertaken restoration projects on public land.  The first funding round is currently open.  Applications close at 3pm on Wednesday 5 November 2008.  Enquire at or 0800 862020. 

Department of Internal Affairs Information on community funding administered by the Local Government and Community Branch is available on the Department of Internal Affairs website or
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) EECA administer a number of funding schemes and programmes for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. For more information refer to
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry MAF's Sustainable Farming Fund supports projects that contribute to the economic, social and environmental viability of farmers, growers, foresters and their wider rural communities.  Enquire at
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry The Sustainable Farming Fund - Climate Change portfolio is a new initiative that comes out of the Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Plan of Action.  Two million dollars per year has been allocated to invest in farmer, forester and grower led projects specifically related to climate change.  For more information see
Ministry of Culture and Heritage The Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund is to support events which commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and promote nation building and community building. It is designed to encourage a wider spread of communities participating in Waitangi Day events.  For more information see
Ministry of Fisheries The Ministry of Fisheries has funding for fisheries management plans that can be accessed through its Pou Takawaenga officers.  Enquire at
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) NZTE offers a wide range of services and programmes for businesses, from start-ups to established groups of exporters.  These services include training, mentoring, funding, and business and market development assistance.  For more information see
Enterprise Development Grants (Trade and Enterprise) The Enterprise Development Grants programme (EDG) aims to assist New Zealand businesses and entrepreneurs to gain additional skills and abilities to pursue their business development goals by building capability and supporting development initiatives.  The Enterprise Development Grants programme consists of two components, a Capability Building component (EDG-CB) and a Market Development component (EDG-MD).  For further information see
Growth Services Fund (Trade and Enterprise) The Growth Services Fund offers support for high growth potential firms to purchase external advice, expertise, and market development services. For further information see
Te Puni Kokiri TPK is the government's principal adviser for Maori affairs.  The website outlines Maori funding assistance from government and non-government organisations, including iwi authorities and professional associations.  Enquire at
The Foundation for Research, Science and Technology FRST invests in research, science and technology (RS&T) on behalf of the New Zealand government.  For a list of the current funding available go to

Contact Us

Projects and Partnerships
Ministry for the Environment
Environment House
23 Kate Sheppard Place
PO Box 10-362
Wellington 6143

Tel (04) 439 7400


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