Herb Shack Rongoa Garden Working Bee, Saturday 19 September

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    4 comments

The Herb Shack and Transition Town Kaitaia

Invite you to:

A working Bee Saturday 19th September 9 am


The Herb Shack

Bring - your whole family, and a pot luck lunch to share, and gardening tools, and native plants to spare, saw dust, topsoil if you have any, bark etc

Ring Anah, Jodi, or Punawai. Singing and dancing are allowed too, so bring your musical instruments, spring is in the air...

We are creating a Rongoa garden (Maori medicinal herbs) on the banks of the stream behind The Herb Shack.

It will be a valuable educational resource for our community and is dedicated to peace. We are naming the garden; Te Mara Mareno - The Peaceful Garden.

An official opening of our Rongoa garden will be held at 4pm at The Herb Shack on International Peace Day Monday 21st September 2009, followed by Peace cake and tea. We hope you can make it to both events....

The Herb Shack and Transition Town Kaitaia

Phone 4083 017

Anah is getting together a list of the plants they would like to get growing. If anyone has some of these plants that they would be willing to donate, could you please call Anah (or Jodi and Punawai).

Akeake Dodonaea viscose

Harakeke Phormium tenax

Hoheria Hoheria populnea

Horopito Pseudowintera colorata

Kahikatea Dacrycarpus dacrydioides

Kanuka Kunzea ericoides

Karamu Coprosma robusta

Kawakawa Macropiper excelsum

Kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile

Koromiko Hebe salicifolia

Kumarahou Pomaderris kumerahou

Manuka Leptospermum scoparium

Matai Prumnopitys taxifolia

Poroporo Solanum aviculare

Pukatea Laurelia novae-zelandiae

Red Matipou Myrsine australis

Tanekaha Phyllocladus trichomanoides

Totara Podocarpus totara

We would also like to plant a row of fruit/berry trees - eg. loquats, guava or any thing else - for the children to pick on their way to school.





15 years, 3 months ago
The name of the Garden is
Te Mara Rongoa Marino - we decided to put Rongoa in the name due to Aunty Keita Murray deciding that thats the name... if you just change the 'e' to an 'i' in marino that will do - nice work who ever wrote this up...
12 years, 2 months ago
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12 years, 2 months ago
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