Biodiversity of Northland seminar invite - 19 September - Pakaraka

Posted 15 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

NZ Landcare Trust and Waimate North Landcare Trust invite you to a Biodiversity of Northland seminar. Discover how you can help make a difference to your environment and increase your understanding of Northlands special native flora and fauna.

Saturday 19th September
10am to 3pm

At the Pakaraka Hall
(which is located on SH1 just north of the SH10 turn off)

No Cost. Lunch provided.

Please find the seminar programme attached:

Biodiversity Northland Seminar Invite.pdf

For more information and RSVP (by 14th Sept) please contact:

Helen Moodie
NZ Landcare Trust
09 430 0954

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