Kaikohe Produce Market Starts Wednesday Feb 15

Posted 13 years ago    3 comments

Tena tatou katoa :-) 

Starting on Wednesday, 15th February

from 4pm - 7pm

will begin at the Log Cabin and Kowhai Reserve in Kaikohe.

Please see the attached flyer.

The Market will be weekly at this site up until the end of April when weather may force us to look at an undercover option.

Sites will be gold coin donation, so that even the tiniest producer can afford to bring along even just their backyard extras to sell, koha, swap, barter... Council has waived fees for the market to see how things progress and we have some excellent support from them and the Community Board. The Community Board suggested that outlying areas from Kaikohe should get together to bring in their produce on a roster basis. So, if you have neighbours that would like to join in then get together and form a roster!

The market is not limited to organic growers but we will encourage people to advertise the fact if they are certified, or spray free etc....

Sites are also open for home/whanau craft producers, with a focus on crafts made from natural materials grown/gathered by the craftsperson. We will not be open for second hand goods, sausage sizzles etc.... This is a producers market for those trying to sustain themselves from the whenua, raise some money for their group or just happy to find some different fruits to swap, rather than eat all those plums that are about! (or tired of making jam ;-)

We will not be able to sell processed food items under our licence. However, if you have your own certificate to do so, then please bring along your products and certificates.

Lots of food for thought! So please tell your whanau, friends, neighbours....about this opportunity. If you can, print the attached flyer and put it up at your local school, shop, workplace....

Success for everyone will depend greatly on the volume, regularity and variety of kai/seedlings/seeds/crafts/plants etc available and the numbers of people who come to do their weekly groceries! Please contact us if you would like more information, have great ideas to contribute and would like to book a site.

Mauri Ora!!! Teremoana Jones

Secretary: Taitokerau Organic Producers Incorporated Society

A holistic approach to sustainable management of Hua Parakore and all natural physical resources.

PO Box 482

T: 09 405 2580

E: topis@xtra.co.nz


flyer 2.pdf


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11 years, 9 months ago
Du behøver ikke ikke kan, men forstår brugt designer tøj bare for at dyrke det billigt. Actually.There er mange andre muligheder. For én, er der en bred vifte af forhandlere derude, der tyder rigtig designer tøj dog til rabatpriser. Hvordan er det muligt parajumpers jakker du spekulerer? Typisk, hvad der sker her er, at designerne skal enten have en overstock af udvalgte stumper og stykker, eller de har objekter, der er gået forældet eller været i deres butik præsentere for længe, ​​og de slippe af med dem til flere leverand parajumpers herre ører. Dette er den bedste måde at blive billige designer tøj, og efterlader som Bluefly er stor og bekræftende værd at du verifing første hånd. Der er ingen tøj mere smuk end designer tøj i virkeligheden. Der er bare noget ved det. Designerne genkende, hvordan parajumpers man opnår tøj passer til kroppen som en handske, og du er ikke i stand til at være i stil eksklusiv designer tøj, da det er alle yderst moderne og bærer de ekstra trends til din garderobe. Det kan have en positiv være streng at bo i stil og hamle op med de tendenser parajumpers jakke dog bemærkelsesværdigt på grund af den store bekostning af designeren clothing.I mente, at det skulle være svært at holde sig i stil og holde sig ajour med de tendenser dog, især på grund af den høj designer tøj uden tvivl. parajumpers udsalg

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