Kerikeri Transition Events

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    1 comment

The following programme has been prepared by Transition Town Kerikeri for April/May

Interested in Bee Keeping, Honey extraction and processing?

10/11th April Justin Topzand will be working his hives this weekend (weather dependent)

We invite any bee-people and anyone keen to learn a thing or two to gather at his home; 45 Koropiro Road, Waipapa. 

Email interest and queries to Justin - 4077411

Growing Good Food – an introduction to growing healthy, tasty, nutritious food 

17th April  “Feeding your vegetables so they will nourish you”

15th May:   “Plant genetics and how it affects the nutrition of your food”

19th June:   “Planning and organising your garden”  

We invite you to join us for an afternoon each month to learn about the principles of growing good food and how to apply them in your own garden. Each session will include: 

      * A featured topic

      * An introduction to the appropriate activities for your garden for the coming month

      * A discussion on topics of interest to the group  

The series will be facilitated by Colin Walker  

 These sessions will be held at the Elm Tree, 83 State Highway 1, Ohaeawai, Bay of Islands  

Cost: $30 (in cash or trade/barter with us)  

  1. Phone: 09 405 9935        Email:           Post: 83 SH1, RD2, Kaikohe 0472

18th  April (Sunday) The Big Olive. Olive harvesting. We will be picking olives from the tree outside Cathay Cinema, Yannick's trees and anyone else who has olives and is keen to take part. We will get the olives pressed into oil if we have a sufficient quantity and also bottle some. Phone Yannick to register your interest - 4077417

22nd April: IET Lecture: Transition Engineering with Dr Susan Krumdeic. Held at Kerikeri High School. 5-7pm

24th April: Wattle and daub workshop (Saturday) Facilitated by Grant Stevens, held at Kerikeri Organics.  $15 fee for full day

Start time 9am with a cuppa and then into it. Bring a plate for a shared lunch at 1pm

30th April: Movie to be shown at Pukewhau (details to come)

1st May: Community Supported Agriculture 1.00pm-4.30pm with Colin Walker at Pukewhau Hall

6th May: TT Café - Bay of Islands Community Exchange and Bay of Islands Dollar. Discussion and exploration of how to get involved.

20th May: TT Café - Genetic Engineering…..To be confirmed



11 years, 8 months ago
mmunity Supported Agriculture 1.00pm-4.30pm with Colin Walker at Pukewhau Hall

6th May: TT Café - Bay of Islands Community Exchange and Bay of Islands Dollar. Discussion and exploration of how to get in

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