Northland Kiwi Document

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    1 comment

This message was sent in by Wendy Sporle and is directed primarily at people working on kiwi projects. However, the attached draft Taxon Plan contains a wealth of information about the current state of Northland's kiwi populations and suggested ways of supporting their continuation. As such, it is a valuable resource for initiating discussion or informing research about kiwi in your own neighbourhood.


Please direct any questions or returned comment forms to Wendy at

Planning for Kiwi Recovery

Morning kiwi workers or people interested in kiwi work

Please find attached the draft Northland North Island Brown Taxon Plan. This is the first Plan (out of the 11 around NZ) to get to this stage and we can be thankful to the commitment of its writer Nic Renwick and all who have contributed.

This document has been written following a round of public meetings in 2008.

The views of those meetings has been captured into this, the guiding document for all kiwi work on northland brown kiwi. It is a long document but this demonstrates the complexity of kiwi work and how much you all are doing.

Once finalised it will be an important document which you can base work-plans on and where funders will look to clarify the overall strategic direction for Northland kiwi work.

It's creation has been through a genuine engagement process and it is a document which belongs to all of you.

Please look through it. Especially the goals and implementation sections. I have highlighted some especially important sections to focus you onto them.

The maps are not included as they are too large. If you would like to see the maps, email me and I will create some small files and send back.

Please also ensure you check that the information about your project in the project table and the appendices is correct. 

I have attached two submission forms. One which can be printed and posted and one which can be filled in electronically. Both forms need to be sent to me by the 24th August please.

We have also planned a meeting to discuss the draft. This will be at Kingston House, Kerikeri on the 31 August starting from 10am. Please RSVP if you are able to attend as we need to arrange the catering.

Can project managers please distribute as they see fit. Thanks

All the best and thank you again



(Kiwi Recovery Group sponsor of this Plan)

Wendy Sporle

BNZ Save the Kiwi

National Mentor for Advocacy

1601 Diggers Valley Road

RD1 Kaitaia  0481


TaxonPlan_NTHLD_MASTER_13-07-09_2ND EDIT (2).pdf
Northland Taxon plan comments form for electronic filling out.doc
Northland Taxon plan comments form for printing and hand filling out.doc


11 years, 8 months ago
Z Save the Kiwi

National Mentor for Advocacy

1601 Diggers Valle

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