Maara Kai: Funding for School and Community gardens

Posted 14 years, 6 months ago    5 comments

If you have a school or community garden, or are planning to start one, the following funding could be useful to you. Please feel free to contact Soozee at the Environment Centre (call 09 4081086) for assistance in planning your application, or contact TPK directly (details below)

Te Puni Kokiri Te Taitokerau

calls for applicants to its Maara Kai fund for the 2010/2011 year. Applicants should first refer to the Roopu Eligibility Section and where roopu are not eligible, to consider partnering with an eligible roopu for funding. The application form is able to be completed by hand or electronically. If your roopu has previously wished to apply for MK funding, please use this application form.

Host roopu can hold up to two Maara Kai contracts. Please ensure your signed and completed application form, support documentation and x1 copy of all, reaches Te Puni Kokiri’s Whangarei office no later than 5pm, 4 August. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

Mauri ora,

KT Karen Tasker

Contracts Advisor

Te Puni Kokiri Te Taitokerau

P: 09 430 3731   M: 027 226 4245   F: 09 430 3160 E:

Te Puni Kokiri - Level 2, Taitokerau Maori Trust Board Bldg, 3-5 Hunt St, Private Bag 9026, Whangarei

Microsoft Word - Maara Kai Application guide and form 2010.pdf



Lucille Kaiwhata
14 years, 1 month ago
Kia ora,i live in a small papakainga that consists of twenty homes and four kaumatua flats.i am looking for funding to revive gardens in our papakainga.the papakainga was established in 1988.once we were on maggies gardens and some how lost the vision.please how may you assist in anyway
14 years, 1 month ago
Kia ora Lucille,
Thank you for your enquiry. I have contacted Te Puni Kokiri and was informed that there is no funding currently available under the Maara Kai Fund but that will be reviewed in the new financial year in early July.
Where is your Papakainga? We may be able to help with advice, planning and contacts. You may like to email our office directly on
Or, should you be near Kaikohe, we will be at the Kaikohe A and P Show tomorrow - Saturday January 8. Look out for the Far North Environment banner and that of our partners, Tai Tokerau Organics (TOPIS), with whom we are sharing a stall.
Lucille Kaiwhata
14 years ago
Hi,we live on the out skirts of Whakatane.We are Te Paroa papakainga.I purchased this computer to be able to access any one that may be able to assist.We are so behind the times and yet we have whenua to utilise given from the trustees.I was looking at raising seedlings in july and planting in september but where do we start?Please how may you assist?
lucille kaiwhata
14 years ago
The papakainga is Paroa.If you google paroa papakainga it will explain a little about our community.Im not sure if you received my message.
12 years, 2 months ago
Pigen altid et blødt punkt for posen. Drengene vil ikke kunne forstå. Hvis empati. Kvinder elsker den samme pakke med manden bilen stemningen. Det skal være let at forstå og meget mere!

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