North Island Robin release in Puketi this Easter

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    1 comment

 News from Puketi Forest Trust 

The second transfer of 30 toutouwai (North Island robins) from Mangatutu to Puketi has been arranged for Easter weekend and a team of volunteers is on their way to catch them. The weather forecast looks good and if all goes to plan, the birds will be flown to Puketi by helicopter (Kingsley Thompson of Heliops) on Easter Monday morning, 5th April, arriving at Puketi about 11 am.

Anyone who would like to is welcome to come and help carry the birds into the forest for release.  They will be transported in individual pet boxes so we will need several people to carry them.

The robins will be released at two locations near the centre of the Puketi Forest Trust’s core pest control area, off the Waihoanga Gorge Kauri Walk, which is accessed via the signposted walkway across farmland from Puketi Road.  Park on the roadside and follow the signposts.  The welcoming party will meet at 10:30am near the bridge at the start of the bush track. The release sites are about half an hour and three quarters of an hour walk into the bush.  The helicopter will land in the paddock near the bridge. 

Dress for the weather and be prepared for some mud on the track.  It would be wise to bring a drink and a snack in case of delays. If you would like to join the release team, please let John Dawn know via email, .  He will confirm the arrangements with another email on Sunday evening.


John Dawn, 09 407 4790



12 years, 2 months ago
El Aquarius se Nengjie comportamiento social activa e incrementar la oportunidad con otras personas para conocer.Acuario en cualquier campo será tan amable.Gracias a los esfuerzos del pasado.Las vidas de Acuario y la reducción de la carga.

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