NRC media release - 'Applications open for NRC recreation fund'.

Posted 16 years, 6 months ago    1 comment

Date: 27 August, 2008


Community, recreational and sporting groups and Northland's three District Councils are being invited to apply for a share of a special local authority recreation fund.

The Northland Regional Council (NRC) has collected a Regional Recreation Facilities Rate since mid-2006 - most of it destined to help fund a proposed multi-use events centre in Whangarei. 

However, the rate also includes a separate $5.63 (incl GST) annual charge levied on each rateable property across the region.  That money is to help provide access to the natural environment and to identify and develop other recreational and sport facilities throughout Northland.  It's that portion of the rate that's now up for grabs.

Linda Stansfield, the NRC's Projects and Information Manager, says the Regional Council had previously invited Northland's three District Councils to seek Regional Recreation Facilities Rate money, but to date only the Kaipara District Council had sought any.

"The Regional Council has already agreed in principle to fund up to a $700,000 stake in Kaipara's 50-metre Dargaville pool project, subject to conditions."

However, Ms Stansfield says the Regional Council had recently developed new criteria for allocating the rate and was now looking to share the Recreation Fund with the wider community.  Applications can be made until 5pm Friday 10 October.

The fund collects about $400,000 annually and excluding the money set aside for the Kaipara pool project, the uncommitted portion of the fund currently stands at about $500,000.

Ms Stansfield says the Council is not necessarily looking to allocate all of the outstanding money and may also nominate projects itself if Councillors believe they offer wider community benefits.

She says the fund is for capital expenditure only and aims to provide access to the natural environment "for the purposes of physical activity and/or recreation and to fund the development of sport and/or recreational facilities".

"This can include access to areas of the natural environment (like the coastline) for recreation, boat ramps, walking/cycling tracks, involvement or contribution to parks, camping grounds and/or reserves and sports facilities of sub-regional significance."

Ms Stansfield says funding is open only to non-profit organisations but their proposal must be of significance or benefit to more than one District and they must show there is sufficient demand for it.

Applicants must also show how the proposal will be maintained long-term and - if their proposal involves a facility - must provide a business plan demonstrating its operational viability.

Those wanting more information on the fund - and how to apply - can visit the Council's website  Alternatively they can visit any Regional Council office or telephone (0800) 002 004.

Ms Stansfield says a Regional Council Sub-Committee will consider the applications and make recommendations to the full Council later this year.  She says groups which have already raised part of the funding they require themselves - or who have secured it from other sources - may be given preference.




Further information:


  • Linda Stansfield, Projects and Information Manager, Northland Regional Council
    Ph: (09) 438 4639



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Reviews and sports unrelated. "Saul Benitez said。" We are closely monitoring the message board。 and does not allow any threat events occur。 our legal department early warning. "
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Eric - Iraq and his family did not make any comment on the matter.

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