Showing tomorrow in Mangonui: NZ water quality film – Water Whisperers Tangaroa: 7pm Wed 8 December

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago    2 comments

Water Whisperers Tangaroa

7pm Wednesday 8th December
Mangonui Town Hall

Light refreshments after showing

Entry by gold coin donation

Click here to watch the film trailer

Filmed in stunning locations around New Zealand, this new film ‘Water Whisperers Tangaroa’ explores the work carried out by 10 communities as they seek to repair waterways and protect them for future generations.

Aorere River - focal point for a community with a common interest in clean water.
Aorere River - focal point for a community with a common interest in clean water.


Award winning film maker and Director of ‘Wickcandle Film’, Kathleen Gallagher says “This film is about the reconnection of ourselves with our lakes, rivers and oceans. We have guides already in our midst – old fishermen and conservationists, farmers, local iwi, and divers who are intimate with lake, river and sea life…”

Dairy farmers in the Aorere have invested in building bridges over streams to help reduce stock entering waterways. This is just one of a number of measures taken to improve water quality.
Dairy farmers in the Aorere have invested in building bridges over streams to help reduce stock entering waterways. This is just one of a number of measures taken to improve water quality.


This film highlights the people behind the recovery and conservation of some of New Zealand’s precious waterways. Hard working people with a passion for their local rivers, lakes and oceans, who also possess the drive needed to initiate change.

Collingwood marine farm harvest rates had been as low as 28% due to E. coli contamination of coastal waters. Now harvest rates of 79% can be attained.
Collingwood marine farm harvest rates had been as low as 28% due to E. coli contamination of coastal waters. Now harvest rates of 79% can be attained.

Click here to watch the film trailer


14 years, 2 months ago
When you think about it in the terms of the shellfish you are aloud to collect at 28% 10 of your fifty and at 79% 39 are contaminated with e.coli
12 years, 2 months ago
I fundamental can not think of ...... "When the the The residents have see the a to pieces of the the becomes a one by one beautiful set of the environmental protection bags by the the old clothes in the the their own the hands of.Are feel that that the is very meaningful.

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