Organic Hui at Roma Marae, Ahipara this June 5 -7

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    4 comments

Tena koutou katoa, he powhiri tenei .

Nau mai koutou katoa ki tenei kaupapa pono he wananga e pa ana a tatou kai maori e nga rangatira katoa o Taitokerau, he panui mou, haere mai, ka whakapai te hui nei.

E nga karangarangamaha, tena koutou katoa.

Taitokerau Organics Inc are proud to host Te Waka Kai Ora (TWKO), the national Maori authority for the organic industry of New Zealand, at Roma Marae in Ahipara, Te Hiku O Te Ika from the 5th - 7th June 2009. Te Waka Kai Ora is the national Maori representative body that is a part of Organic Aotearoa NZ (OANZ), the National Organic Authority for the organic industry.

We have a 3 day wananga in Ahipara where we will be addressing the need to support Maori in regards to Organic production of kai on a personal and commercial scale. Being a national AGM, manuhiri from the many various tribes of Aotearoa who are involved in the organic movement are attending this hui also.

The powhiri will be at 10am Friday 5th of June then the main AGM will begin 6th of June and will continue with a report and review of the AGM decisions.

Te Manawhenua Challenge 2009 for young gardeners presentation will be held on the Saturday afternoon also.

The 7th June is a time for hosting our guests from nga hau e wha, including a tour of te Oneroa a Tohe, finishing with another hakari and poroporoake at midday.

During these 3 days, our local organic produce will be on the menu, with local and international chefs flown in to share their knowledge and expertise with our people of Taitokerau. This hui is about sharing and learning about an alternative lifestyle with possibilities to benefit our people who are struggling to survive and prosper in this present one. Taitokerau Organics Inc are issuing this request for your support in promoting and discussing the benefits of bringing the organic movement of good quality food to the tables of Aotearoa, at this hui in Ahipara.

Your presence would be most welcome at any or all parts of this hui. No reira ka mihi nui kia koutou mo tenei awhina o matou kaupapa, ka whakatika a tatou ora. mauriora Rueben Porter Taitokerau Organic Producers Inc Soc Chairman 2009. email: phone: 027 2001840 (09) 409 4995

Te Manawhenua Trophy


Raueka Bates
15 years, 8 months ago
Kia ora Waka Kai Ora
Do you have contact member here in Tairawhiti and if not, could I be that person for your organisation.
I administrate and project co-ordinate for the Tairawhiti Earth Centre (enviro group)at present but am looking to developing a project that I would like Waka Kaiora to possibly provide some input into it.
Don't have any details other than above at this stage but will keep working on ideas.
15 years, 8 months ago
Kia ora Raueka
The Far North Environment Centre is just the reporter here (though we fully support Te Waka Kai Ora and the local activists, TOPIS). I suggest you go to TWK's website and there you can contact Percy directly.
Cheers, Soozee
15 years, 8 months ago
Kiaora Raueka. I am Taitokerau contact. Tawhai Mc Clutchie is Tai Rawhiti contact, try the website as Soozee suggests and contact him thru Percy Tipene, national chairman
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