Panui October 2008

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    1 comment

AGM 2008

It's AGM time again! Scheduled for Thursday 23 October, it will be preceded by our regular monthly board meeting at 4pm. From 5pm there will be ‘happy hour' with refreshments, socialising and the application of gentle persuasion to potential nominees for places on the board. At 6pm the formal business of the AGM will get underway and at 7pm everyone is invited to watch a movie, title to be confirmed.


Since the August Panui, staff at the Environment Centre have been busy promoting the Sustainable Living Activation Programme, with Richard signing up many residents for free household assessments of their ecological footprint. Stalls at the August launch of Hector Busby's new Waka Hourua at Taipa Beach and World Senior Persons' Day this week at the Kaitaia Community Centre provided opportunities for Richard to explain the SLA programme. The prospect of reducing energy consumption - and thereby reducing power bills - is a major draw, but interest is also high in learning more about recycling, transport options and other aspects of moving towards a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Home visits to make the assessments will begin later this month. To sign up go to , and click Sustainable Living Activation Programme.

eDay 2008

This Saturday, October 4, is e-waste day. From 9 am to 3pm Kaikohe and Kaitaia waste stations will be accepting computer waste, i.e. old computers and computer consumables, plus mobile phones, to be disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way. This will be an annual event and the aim is to prevent persistent toxic elements such as heavy metals in these products from entering landfill. For more info visit


Working closely with Anna, from Te Oranga, Soozee has been making weekly visits to Kohukohu, Pukepoto and Ahipara schools where the children have made impressive progress on establishing organic food gardens. Many of the young ones had not previously experienced the delights of watching the emergence of seedlings after sowing the seed themselves and are now displaying all the symptoms of being hooked on gardening. This term the focus will be on nurturing the plants that are being set out in the new gardens and the children are not alone in looking forward to fresh salads with their lunches.

Kohukohu School littlies plant out the seedlings they raised into their school garden
Kohukohu School littlies plant out the seedlings they raised into their school garden

Good news has just come through from Grant Stevens - of Organiponico raised-bed fame. ACE funding is available to do further raised beds. These will be built in schools where a workforce of 8 - 10 people commits to taking part in the 2 day workshop. Participants gain the skills to build the beds themselves and the school gains a permanent, easily manageable garden. Schools are invited to contact Soozee at to arrange for an Organiponico workshop on their grounds.

We even have an Organiponico garden right outside the Environment Centre! A joint venture with CBEC, Trees Company and the Conservation Corps resulted in an extra large bed being built in the CBEC yard and this will be filled with a selection of vegetable and herb plants in the coming weeks.

Conservation Corps workers building an Organiponoco bed in the
Conservation Corps workers building an Organiponoco bed in the

The Environment Centre is also negotiating to have a set of moulds built so that they can be available to loan to individuals or community groups who would like to make their own raised gardens.


Support from the Kaitaia Transition Towns group, Trees Company and an existing food co-op has brought the concept of a food co-op based at the Environment Centre closer to reality. A meeting at the Environment Centre on Friday October 17 at 5:30 will bring together anyone interested in supporting sustainable organic food supply. All are welcome. A proposed structure for the food co-op will be presented plus there will be time to brainstorm all aspects of trade, barter or exchange of sustainable local kai. Trees Company manager, Chantelle will be developing a display area with information on growing food, sourcing the best of local produce and providing a space where people's excess backyard produce can be deposited for distribution.


Kaitaia Transition Towns is bringing Deirdre Kent, author of ‘Healthy Money Healthy Planet' to speak at the Little Theatre on Friday October 17 at 7pm (following on from the Sustainable Food meeting earlier that afternoon).

There will be a screening of the film ‘Money as Debt', followed by a discussion on the implications of money systems re sustainability.


"Towards a Community Marine Management Plan

for the wider Doubtless Bay/ Tokerau area" 

Saturday 1 November 2008

From 1pm

At Taipa Area School Cultural Centre

Taipa Beach

On Saturday November 1 DBMPG will launch their discussion document on a Community Marine Management Plan for the wider Doubtless Bay /Tokerau Area.

All are welcome to the launch at the Taipa area School Cultural Centre at Taipa Beach.

Starting at 1pm with karakia and guest speakers introducing the theme ‘Living Sea, Doubtless Bay - as we see it and would like to see it', discussion will cover issues around declining fish stocks, opportunities for marine education, economic and cultural opportunities, and threats to biodiversity and water quality.

Participants will be invited to complete a questionnaire on their aspirations for Doubtless Bay and will be able to take home a copy of the discussion document for themselves or their group.

From 3 to 4pm there will be outdoor activities plus a chance to view the displays.

A barbeque will be provided at 4pm, with time for informal discussion.

Hosted by Doubtless Bay/ Tokerau Marine Protection Group

Contact:  John Kenderdine  406 7774      or    Andre Kunz  408 7077


A new fund has been announced by the Department of Conservation to assist community groups in the restoration of biodiversity on public land. Monies will be available for planting, fencing and equipment. Priorities include protecting indigenous vegetation associated with sand dunes and wetlands and habitats of acutely and chronically threatened indigenous species.

The fund will make a total of $4 million available over 2 years, with groups invited to apply for between $5,000 and $40,000.

Applications to the current round close on November 5 2008. For details go to the DOC website and click on ‘getting involved'

The Environment Centre can assist groups wishing to make an application to the fund.

Richard is keen to find a suitable site on public land to nurture the Northland Mudfish, so if anyone has suggestions on how to further such a worthy project, contact him here at the Centre. Unglamorous perhaps, but it could be the sort of project that fits the criteria for the Community Conservation Fund!

David Blume to speak in Far North: Learn about alcohol - the car fuel of the future

Grow Your Own 105 Octane Car Fuel!

(Learn about alcohol - the car fuel of the future)

World acclaimed alcohol fuel pioneer David Blume will explain why alcohol is a superior fuel to petrol, and how it can be produced with small scale backyard, farm and community production systems. 

Public Meeting:

WHERE:      Mid-North Motor Inn, Kaikohe
WHEN:        Tuesday 14th October at 7 p.m


  • Become Energy Independent
  • Revitalise Local Economies
  • Reverse Global Climate Change
  • Unmodified cars can run on 50% alcohol
  • Conversion to 100% alcohol or flexi-fuel costs only a few hundred dollars 

David Blume's visit is a:

Far North District Council

District Development Initiative

For further information contact: Ken Ross (FNDC) 09 401 5575


refer to: 


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