Planting at Taumarumaru Reserve, Coopers Beach, Saturday July 11

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    1 comment


If you would like to get involved in the ongoing tree planting and maintenance at the Taumarumaru Reserve - opposite the Bowling Club at Coopers Beach - come along on Saturday 11 July.

Volunteers will gather in the carpark at the entrance to the reserve at 9.30am.

With hundreds of native trees already planted at the reserve over the past few years, this is a very successful example of a community revegetation project that is creating a beautiful area of publicly accessible coastal bush. New volunteers will be given a warm welcome and everyone who plants a few trees gets to enjoy the morning tea kindly provided by the good folk from the Department of Conservation.

Enquiries to David Panckhurst on 4060559


11 years, 6 months ago
sful example of a community revegetation project that is creating a beautiful area of publicly accessible coastal bush. New volunteers will be given a warm welcome and everyone who plants a few trees gets to enjoy the morning tea kindly provided by the good folk from the Department of Conservation.

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