Quiz the Candidates: Saturday September 4 at the Kaitaia Market

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    1 comment

Notice Of Public Meeting

Mark Shanks and Peter Furze, on behalf of the wider community, cordially invite you to ask questions of your local body candidates and help launch

‘Korero Corner’

 at The Kaitaia Market

on Saturday September 4th.

The following questions have been sent to all the candidates for the Te Hiku Community Board, the Te Hiku Ward Representatives for FNDC, and for Mayor of the district.

Each candidate, in alphabetical order, will have 3 minutes for their address and then 2 minutes for questions from the floor, except the mayoral aspirants who will have 7 minutes for their address and then 3 minutes for questions from the floor. These time limits will be strictly adhered to so that we can keep to our timetable as written below.


  • What are your reasons for standing for the position?
  • What does democracy mean to you?
  • How would you translate democracy into local government?
  • What do you see as the strengths of our district?
  • How would you make use of these strengths?

The Northland Age and Te Hiku Media will be covering this occasion for other communities within the FNDC boundaries, and beyond.


8.45am – Blessing of ‘Korero Korner’ by kaumatua

9.00am – Public apology from Dr Cornelius Van Dorp

9.15am – Te Hiku Community Board Candidates : Atkinson, Blumhardt, Bowman, Lugnet, Marsden, Senior, Smith, Van der Sluis, Waitai

10.00am – Te Hiku Ward Representatives for FNDC: Bamber, Bowman, Herewini, Kitchen, Knight, Mahoney, Moses, Radich

10.40am – Mayoral Candidates: Brown, Byers, Goulter, McKechnie

11.20 – Closing

If you have a question you would like to put to the candidates, email it through to Mark on marksurf55@hotmail.com (please keep it succinct and to the point) or front up on the day and quiz them yourself!


12 years, 2 months ago
.The more daring than the same industry.The courage to adopt some bright hue.More distinctive pursuit, pursuit. @ @ @, People in the industry, Chen Shixin.These can learn from.Those fighting in motion.

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