SEAWEEK continues: Northland Teachers and students have another opportunity to explore Teaching and Learning around our Marine ecosystems

Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    1 comment

SEAWEEK continues…

Northland Teachers and students have another opportunity to explore Teaching and Learning around our Marine ecosystems.

WHO: Years 5-8 students and teachers

WHERE: At your school

WHEN: A selection of days following Seaweek – during March and April

HOW: Inclass interactive presentation for 2 hours

Many of you have already committed to taking the opportunity to promote Marine learning during Seaweek. Now, this is to be extended through ASB Community Trust, Department of Conservation and NZAEE sponsorship, inviting schools to be involved in a learning opportunity based on the DVD The End of the Line. This incredible message is a reminder of the fragility of the marine environment – and the need to continue the messages of ‘Back to the Future’.

This will be a chance to integrate Marine learning into your curriculum, with a facilitated, interactive presentation in your school. There will be a range of resources, Teaching and Learning outcomes that support your student needs, and links to the New Zealand Curriculum.

Networking opportunities with other organizations, people and places, plus further options for discovery will be provided.

There are several of you who have already been involved, or will be in the future, with the Experiencing Marine Reserves programme – this learning opportunity reinforces that message of sustaining our Marine environment so you can extend the learning by using suggested resources and/or by using an Inquiry approach.

Please contact Julie as soon as possible to express your interest and/or book a time slot suitable for you and your school. There may be the possibility of extending this programme into Term 2 - 4. It may be possible to include staff/syndicate meetings where there is a need.

Julie Holt
Enviroschools Facilitator
Northland Regional Council


11 years, 8 months ago
ntact Julie as soon as possible to express your interest and/or book a time slot suitable for you and your school. There may be the possibility of extending this programme into Term 2 - 4.

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