Taipa Wastewater Treatment Plant presentations by WCECW – 4th and 5th May

Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    2 comments

Wai Care Environmental Consultants Whangaroa (WCECW), in conjuction with Ngati Tara hapu, extends an open invitation to two presentation/consultation evenings on the East Coast Bays (Taipa) wastewater treatment plant:

Wednesday 4th May (today)
6pm to 8pm
Taipa Area School Whare


Thursday 5th May
6pm to 8pm
Mangonui Hall

WCECW has investigated a number of options it believes would be suitable for Taipa, and will detail what it believes to be most viable, cost-effective and environmentally sound effluent management system.

Participation, feedback, input and questions that will help implement a system that the hapu and community agree will meet required resource consent conditions and benefit the environment will be welcomed.


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