Taipa Wastewater Treatment Plant: Submission Meeting Tuesday

Posted 14 years, 6 months ago    2 comments

Help with Submissions

(Due by Thursday August 5)

Taipa Wastewater Plant

There is still time to make a submission regarding the renewal of the District Council's resource consent to operate the East Coast Bays Wastewater treatment plant at Taipa. If you would like to discuss the framing of a submission from your group or as an individual, please come along to the Taipa Area School Whare on Tuesday August 3, from 6 to 8 pm.

It emerged from earlier public meetings called by Care for Our Catchment, Doubtless Bay, that the community wants greater input into the design and management of the wastewater plant, no discharge to waterways of effluent (whether treated or not) and sounder environmental standards maintained in the receiving environment.

To view the application and to access a submission form, click on the link:


As a starting point for discussion, below is a summary of a submission drafted by Robin Oxborough, Environmental Officer from Ko Te Ahua Marae, Toatoa:

Taipa Waste Water Treatment

Facility Submission

By Maori for All



To:                               Northland Regional Council

Submission On:          Application by the Far North District Council for a Resource Consent to;

  • discharge contaminates to air (odour) from a wastewater treatment plant;
  • discharge of treated wastewater to the unnamed tributary of the Parapara Steam; and
  • discharge wastewater to ground by way of seepage on Plot Allot 24, SO 59862, and Part A SO 69379 Parish of Taipa, Blk IV Mangonui SD (Treatment Plant) and Pt Allot 57, Parish of Taipa and Pt sec 33 SO 65075 (Part D), Blk IV, (wetlands)

Application No.:        4007


Submitted by:

Name:              …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address:          ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. Ph no.:             ……………………………………………………     Mobile no.: …………………………………….

Date:               ……………………………………………………

I wish to be heard in support of this submission:                                                          yes /



The following conditions be accepted and implemented, they are that:


  • The consent holder shall work within a five year period starting immediately to eliminate all waste water discharges into waterways associated with this facility or put in place alternative solutions that are acceptable to the hapu that will give effect to this outcome by July 2015, if not sooner.


  • The consent holder shall work with hapu on this consent to identify issues that adversely effects the hapu ensuring that (Part2 RMA) is given effect and (Part2 sec6 (e) (g) RMA) recognises and provides for the matters of National Importance as highlighted.


  • The consent shall include the need for a working relationship with the local community and more importantly hapu representatives to ensure compliance with all legislative requirements are enacted.


  • The consent holder shall monitor all aspects of the discharges on a weekly basis on a broader scale (which is yet to be defined) in partnership with the hapu. This shall include monitoring shellfish.


  • The consent holder shall increase the existing level of discharge standards considerably (as they are considered too lenient) in partnership with the hapu and annually, increase these levels whilst ensuring on-going compliance.


  • In partnership with the hapu and approved community representatives, manage the process and operation of the East Coast Bays Wastewater Treatment System including details such as pond size(s), monitoring, maintenance and desludging.

This is an important issue and the community has an opportunity to ensure there is ongoing involvement in resolving the problems created by the siting of these ponds at Taipa and the discharge to Parapara and the Aurere estuary.

All welcome.



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