Takahue Pighunt

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    1 comment

 Pick off a Pest for Conservation Week and Be In to Win!

The Takahue Hall Committee

are pleased to announce the annual

Placemakers Pig Hunting Competition


Kids' Possum, Eel and Hare Hunt

The pig hunt competition starts 4pm Friday the 17th September with the weigh in at the Takahue Hall Saturday 18th between 2 .00pm till 4.00pm.

There are major cash prizes for the adults and kids.One thousand dollars will be given away on the day.This includes $400 for the average weight pig, and $50 each for the heaviest possum, eel and hare.

This is a family fun day with lots of activities at the hall.

A kids colouring competition, and other activities are planned.

Entry is free for the kids and $30 for the pig hunters.

Tickets can be brought from Riders Sports Depot

Every ticket purchased goes into a lucky number prize draw.

Following the weigh in will be prizegiving and an auction with anybody able to bid on the pig of their choice.

All proceeds from this event going to the Takahue Hall in their bid to maintain this facility for the community.

This event last year was won by Ava Foster for the average weight and Brett Tracey for the heaviest boar.

A bar and hot food will be available from 12.00pm which will include hot roast pork, venison or lamb sandwiches.

See you there, for a fun day with the kids.

For enquiries, contact Alan Webb, phone 4081159

or email, devilsridgefarm@gmail.com


12 years, 2 months ago
Xinjiang Loulan ausgegraben ein Paar Wolle Frauen Stiefel für mehr als 4000 Jahren, als. Die gesamte Paar Schuhe, Stiefel und Sohlen aus zwei Hauptkomponenten Inbetriebnahme der weltweit ersten

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