Talk Environment with NRC on Te Hiku Radio 94.4FM this Tuesday 8pm to 9:30

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    1 comment

Tune in to our Environment

Do you have a burning question concerning the environment for our representatives at the Northland Regional Council? Rongo Bentson has alerted us to this opportunity to voice our concerns and hear what the NRC has to offer:

Kia Ora

This Tuesday night on Te Korero A Te Rarawa 94.4 FM from 8 to 9:30 we will have the Chairman of the Northland Regional Council Mark Farnsworth back in the Studio with his Deputy Ian Walker. We will get a regional update and it is of course a golden opportunity to have korero and voice your whakaaro on the environmental issues that comes under the jurisdiction of the NRC such as the pollution of our waterways and kaimoana.

So be sure to tune in, whakarongo mai, korero mai, waea 09 408 4030.

Te Korero A Te Rarawa is replayed every Sunday at noon.

No reira

He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa

Rongo Bentson

Programme Host

Te Korero A Te Rarawa is replayed every Sunday at noon.


12 years, 2 months ago
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