Weedbusters Working Bee, Tokerau Dunes, Sunday December 13

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    7 comments

A reminder to all you good people that this Sunday we'll be back in the Tokerau dunes for an attack on the weeds. Bring a friend and halve the workload! And bring your togs - the water is bound to be enticing.

It's Time to Tackle the Weeds Again at Tokerau Beach!

Some of the Cape honeyflower is sprouting up again on the dunes of the Tokerau Beach Conservation Reserve. As it's getting hotter and drier at this time of year, now is a good time to slash it back and discourage the growth for the coming season.

On Sunday December 13 there will be a working bee for any willing Weedbusters who would like to lend a hand.

Meet at the DoC Reserve at the end of Simon Urlich Road at 9.30 am.

We will supply loppers, grubbers, secateurs and gloves, but if you have your own tools that you would rather use bring those along.

Weather permiting, we will work through to about 12.30, when lunch will be provided.


  • Hat
  • Drink
  • Sunblock
  • Sturdy shoes/boots

All are welcome and many hands make light work so if you just want to come for half an  hour, that's fine!

For more information contact Soozee on 4081086.

And just a reminder of why we take care of our beaches and pick up the rubbish that collects there, whether we're working or playing at the beach.

The pictures, above and below, are of Albatross chick carcasses taken on Midway Atoll, a tiny island slap bang in the middle of the Pacific, about as far from large numbers of humans as it’s possible to get, without going to Antarctica. No plastic was moved or altered before taking these photographs. These birds are fed plastic by their parents, who bring it to them thinking that it’s food. The photographer, Chris Jordan, has many more photographs from the same location on his web site.

Check out http://www.midwayjourney.com/ for more on this fascinating journey of discovery in the Pacific.


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