Postponed: DB Nursery Working Bee, to Wed March 28

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    7 comments

 Due to Wild Weather, the DB Nursery Working bee is postponed until NEXT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28

Last week saw a great turn-out, with more than 20 people volunteering their time to progress the nursery project in Mangonui.

A huge amount of weeding was completed, thanks to the invaluable experience and efforts of a group of local ladies and the enthusiasm of the local NorthTec horticulture students. A keen eye for plant i.d. was required as the plan is to leave the native plants to grow (manuka to provide shade and shelter, kumarahou for rongoa, and a wee Isolepis that creates a short, grassy ground cover), while dealing to the nuisance weeds so they won't seed into the potted plants.

Evan's Hort class tackles the big stuff

The Builders from the Bush made great progress on the potting shed, framing up the roof and getting the benches well underway

and the Valley Girls showed that you can't be too old or too young for gardening!

Next week the building and weeding will continue, with the potting shed and shadehouses due for completion and more work on the potting mix bins.

When: we'll be on site from 10am to 3pm

Where: 6 Wrathall Road, Mangonui (just past the Fire Station)

Bring: hat, drink, lunch.

Enquiries: call Soozee on 4085093 or 022 1407546

or email


Working Bee at DB Catchment Nursery, Wednesday 14 March

Posted 13 years ago    6 comments

Weeding, Nailing, Planting!

It's time for a tidy-up and progressing the building at the Doubtless Bay Community Catchment Nursery in Mangonui so we can create a home for these babies - which will need potting on soon and space to grow!

If you have some spare time on Wednesday this week, call round to the nursery, which is at 6 Wrathall Road - just past the Fire Sation - in Mangonui.

The crew will be there between 10 am and 4pm, so even if you only have half an hour to spare we can hand you a grubber and you can be useful!

Bring a hat, drink, and lunch if you're staying for the duration.

Contact or soozee on 4085093 for any futher info. If weather looks too awful a message will go out Wednesday before 8am with rescheduling info.

Job Opportunity: Environment Centre Manager

Posted 13 years ago    6 comments


The Far North Environment Centre is seeking a self-motivated person for the position of Officer Manager to manage the administration, operation and management requirements of the Far North Environment Centre. The successful applicant will be encouraged to extend their hours by accessing further funding.

Click on the following link to access the Job Description.

FNEC Managers Job Description.pdf

Please post applications and resumes to:

PO Box 503,

Kaitaia, 0441,

And email to Jackie  at


Kaikohe Produce Market Starts Wednesday Feb 15

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    3 comments

Tena tatou katoa :-) 

Starting on Wednesday, 15th February

from 4pm - 7pm

will begin at the Log Cabin and Kowhai Reserve in Kaikohe.

Please see the attached flyer.

The Market will be weekly at this site up until the end of April when weather may force us to look at an undercover option.

Sites will be gold coin donation, so that even the tiniest producer can afford to bring along even just their backyard extras to sell, koha, swap, barter... Council has waived fees for the market to see how things progress and we have some excellent support from them and the Community Board. The Community Board suggested that outlying areas from Kaikohe should get together to bring in their produce on a roster basis. So, if you have neighbours that would like to join in then get together and form a roster!

The market is not limited to organic growers but we will encourage people to advertise the fact if they are certified, or spray free etc....

Sites are also open for home/whanau craft producers, with a focus on crafts made from natural materials grown/gathered by the craftsperson. We will not be open for second hand goods, sausage sizzles etc.... This is a producers market for those trying to sustain themselves from the whenua, raise some money for their group or just happy to find some different fruits to swap, rather than eat all those plums that are about! (or tired of making jam ;-)

We will not be able to sell processed food items under our licence. However, if you have your own certificate to do so, then please bring along your products and certificates.

Lots of food for thought! So please tell your whanau, friends, neighbours....about this opportunity. If you can, print the attached flyer and put it up at your local school, shop, workplace....

Success for everyone will depend greatly on the volume, regularity and variety of kai/seedlings/seeds/crafts/plants etc available and the numbers of people who come to do their weekly groceries! Please contact us if you would like more information, have great ideas to contribute and would like to book a site.

Mauri Ora!!! Teremoana Jones

Secretary: Taitokerau Organic Producers Incorporated Society

A holistic approach to sustainable management of Hua Parakore and all natural physical resources.

PO Box 482

T: 09 405 2580



flyer 2.pdf

Public urged to declare war on Taiwan cherry

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago    6 comments

Its pretty pink flowers are viewed by some as a welcome sign of spring’s approach, but Northlanders are being urged to join forces to tackle Taiwan cherry because of the invasive risk it poses to our native bush.

Tony Davies-Colley with a Taiwan cherry tree that is just starting to flower in Whangarei.  The Northland Regional Council member wants people to kill as many of the invasive trees as possible.
Tony Davies-Colley with a Taiwan cherry tree that is just starting to flower in Whangarei. The Northland Regional Council member wants people to kill as many of the invasive trees as possible.

Northland Regional Council member Tony Davies-Colley says Taiwan cherry (Prunus campanulata) was imported from east Asia in the 1960s as an ornamental species to brighten gardens in late winter.

“Unfortunately, in a relatively short time it has become very invasive and is visible – especially at this time of year – right throughout Northland, but especially in and close to built-up areas.”

“We have many beautiful native bush areas in Northland and this unwanted tree is changing the character of them. It’s also a weed in public reserve areas and rampant on roadsides.”

Cr Davies-Colley – a member of the council’s Environmental Management Committee - says although it’s illegal for people to sell, propagate or distribute Taiwan cherry in Northland, its seeds are unfortunately still being widely spread by birds.

“Taiwan cherry seed can be carried for many kilometres by birds and you can see evidence of that in places like Whangarei’s Western Hills, especially at this time of year as they start to flower.”

Cr Davies-Colley says aside from the pretty look of the tree, he’s aware that some people view Taiwan cherry as a good food source to attract native bird species, but says a mixture of sugar and water in a bowl will lure them to gardens just as well.

Similarly, there are a number of trees – including other non-invasive species of flowering cherry - that can be grown instead of Taiwan cherry and he has a blunt message for his fellow Northlanders - “I’m asking them to kill it.”

He says with Taiwan cherry typically starting to sport its characteristic pink, bell-shaped flowers at this time of year, it can be easily identified and taken care of.

“We need people to realise that the time they’re flowering is a great time to deal with these trees and they should take advantage of this window of opportunity.”

Cr Davies-Colley says as well as dealing with Taiwan cherry trees on their own property, he’s urging people to take a walk around their neighbourhood and speak to others with the trees and see if they need help to remove them.

Don McKenzie, the council’s Biosecurity Senior Programme Manager, says larger trees can be ring-barked and treated with one part glyphosate to four parts water or drilled with holes every 200-300ml around the trunk and 10-15 ml of undiluted glyphosate injected in. (A small bottle with a nozzle is good for this.)

“Cut stems need to be treated with the herbicide glyphosate (Round-up) at a rate of 200ml/litre. Ensure the stem is treated down to the ground within 15 minutes of cutting.”

Mr McKenzie says smaller plants can be controlled by simply pulling them out at any time of the year, while seedlings can be sprayed.

“Larger infestations of seedlings can be over-sprayed with glyphosate at 100ml per 10 litres water. Follow-up will be required for four to five years to ensure any ungerminated seeds still in the soil are taken care of it they do eventually germinate.”

Mr McKenzie says people wanting to know more about tackling Taiwan cherry – or other pest plants or animals – can contact members of the council’s biosecurity team on 0800 002 004.

Alternatively, information is available on line at

Drains to Harbour Programme for schools and communities

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago    8 comments

The Drains to Harbour (DTH) programme empowers schools and communities by providing hands-on experiences in the environment. After these experiences, students are encouraged to put their knowledge into action within the community.

The ‘Drains-to-Harbour’ campaign offers:

  • Free posters, brochures and relevant information for your school to keep
  • Free stormwater pollution presentation (led by MTSCT educator, using PowerPoint, video and sound)
  • Free coordination/organisation of field trips to local stream and drain stencilling sites
  • Free curriculum and safety management planning with teachers involved
  • Free coordination of volunteers to assist on field trips

To register your school’s interest and arrange an initial meeting, please contact Kim Jones by email or phone:

To email Kim: Click here 

Phone: 09 434 0779

Mobile: 027 243 4818

NEW Waste Exchange Website. Please re-register as members and re-register your materials

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    9 comments

The Waste Exchange are pleased to inform you that the Waste Exchange website has received a long overdue upgrade which should eliminate all of the issues that many of you have been experiencing.

The Waste Exchange is an online tool designed to help your business/organisation find markets for by-products, surplus materials and waste. Through The Waste Exchange, waste generators can find alternative pathways to landfill for their wastes through connecting with organisations and people who are able to reuse unwanted materials.

The Waste Exchange is a free service available to all business and industry and may be used by non-profit organisations, schools and individuals to locate materials they need.

All current members of The Waste Exchange will need to re-register as a new member and also re-register any materials you had previously listed on the site. Part of the improvement process, and to enable this new site to be a success, everything must be deleted from the old site. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and ask you to please complete the simple registration process on the new site by clicking here.

As you may be aware the old site was developed in 1999 and as a result the old web coding has been causing a number of issues including showing very old and no longer available material listings.

The Waste Exchange have been working hard with the help of a web developer to design a new site that is far more user friendly, more modern, meets your needs and most importantly a site that will rectify all the issues you‘ve informed them of.

Welcome to the new Waste Exchange, enjoy!

For more information please contact The Waste Exchange by clicking on the link below:

The Waste Exchange Team

BP vouchers for volunteers

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    5 comments

BP Vouchers for Volunteers 2011

Applications will be accepted between 20th June – 15th July 2011.

Every day, thousands of volunteers give up their spare time to the communities they live in and help others who are less fortunate.  These volunteers are an essential part of New Zealand society.  If you’re a volunteer, then BP want to help you reduce costs.

Since 2006, BP Vouchers for Volunteers has recognised these efforts by donating thousands of BP fuel vouchers to organisations that have volunteers working in our local communities.  BP New Zealand recognises that the cost of running vehicles has a big impact on these community organisations, so we want to do our bit to help out.

To find out if your organisation is eligible to apply, simply visit BP online at

BP New Zealand supports a wide range of sponsorship initiatives and investment projects in the community. BP Vouchers for Volunteers is our way of assisting volunteers and supporting local New Zealanders.

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