What is the Environment Fund?
Funding made available to encourage and assist the voluntary implementation of measures to achieve environmental protection and/or enhancement.
The Northland Regional Council Environment Fund has provided around $3 million to help people enhance and protect Northland’s natural environment since 1996.
Like last year, the contestable Fund is about $500,000. The Regional Council recognises the effort and commitment that Northlanders are putting into addressing their environmental issues and the continuation of funding reflects this. The fund is provided through five different funding streams with projects funded at up to 50% of their total costs.
Historically, up to 200 applications are made to the Environment Fund every year and typically more funds are requested than are available!
Environment Fund priorities
There has been a review of the Environment Fund to align funding with Regional Council Land Management priorities.
Applications will be accepted from 12 July and only applications in the new 2010-2011 format will be accepted.
To be eligible for consideration, applications will need to align with the following funding streams.
Priority funding streams
Soil Conservation – Targeting the maintenance and control of erodible soils
eg. erodible land soil stabilisation via tree planting, fencing, pest control and other suitable means
Biodiversity – Targeting the restoration and protection of wetlands and lakes
eg. fencing to keep out stock, riparian planting, pest control
Coastal – Targeting the restoration, protection and maintenance of estuaries, dunes and salt marsh
eg. the planting of spinifex and pingao for dune stabilisation, pest control, fencing to exclude stock and riparian planting
Water Quality – Targeting dairying and clean stream accord targets and recreational bathing sites*
eg. fencing to exclude stock from waterways, riparian enhancement
Exceptional Projects – Targeting regionally significant projects not available for funding under the other funding streams.
*Northland Regional Council carries out monitoring of the region’s coastal environment to record the state of this resource, the effects of human activity and changes over time.
Revegetation and enhancement with native plants
This year $2,675 has been sponsored by the Honda New Zealand Tree Fund which provides funding for the planting of native trees for revegetation, enhancement, erosion control, shelter and streamside enhancement.
Who can apply?
Funding applications can be received from individuals and voluntary groups for eligible projects; this may include landowners, community and conservation organisations, local MÄori groups and schools.
Projects must be of long-term benefit to the local environment and show evidence of good resource management.
Projects designed for personal or commercial profit, required under resource consent or simply to beautify a site, are not eligible for funding.
Projects must be consistent with the funding streams and associated targets to qualify for consideration of funding.
NOTE: The Environment Fund can contribute up to 50% of the total project cost. The applicant must be able to provide the remainder of the cost through funding of their own, their time, other funding sources, or in-kind contributions such as voluntary labour and donated materials.
When can I apply?
Applications not made through the exceptional projects funding stream will be accepted from the start of July to the end of April each year.
Applications made through the exceptional projects funding stream will be limited to a four month application period, from the start of July to the end of October each year.
How do I apply?
It is a requirement that you contact Land Management Staff at the Regional Council before filling out your application; this discussion will determine if a site visit is needed and help clarify what is required in your application. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant for completion and re-submission. The land management staff available to assist you with your application are listed at the bottom of the page.
Answer the questions on the application form as fully as possible. Fill in the boxes, or write/type your answers on separate paper. Remember to attach extra information (quotes, photos, letters of support, etc) to make your project’s details as clear as possible. Application for funding forms are available from the Northland Regional Council or can be downloaded below.
Please ensure you:
- Read the questions carefully
- Answer all relevant questions on the application form provided
- Fill out the application form questions even if you include attachments
- Use black pen to complete your form as the application will be photocopied
- Supply all information requested, including attachments
- Keep a copy of the entire application for your records
- Read the terms and conditions that will apply to your funding agreement and ensure that you can comply with these
If you are unsure of anything when filling out the application for funding form, please contact land management staff at the Northland Regional Council for assistance.
Application approval process
This is a four stage process:
1. Applications have their eligibility assessed via:
- Information gained once a site inspection has been completed
- The submitted application for funding form
- Ranking each application against the funding stream targets and regional priority status.
2. Applications under $20,000 and not through the exceptional projects funding stream are approved via delegated authority and reported to council.
3. Projects requesting over $20,000 or are seeking funding through the Exceptional Projects funding stream are presented to the Environmental Management Committee for Council approval, after which applicants are notified of the decisions.
4. Funding is approved once the Funding Agreement has been signed and dated by both parties.
Applicants have one month to return their signed agreement to NRC before the funding will be reallocated to other potential projects.
Projects without a signed agreement have not had their funding approved.
Funding is not retrospective – the Regional Council will not pay for work done before funding is approved.
Funding decisions made by the Northland Regional Council are final with no rights of appeal or review.
Application form, agreement and guidelines
View online
You can view or download a copy of the 2010-11 Environment Fund application for funding form, agreement and guidelines by clicking on the links below:
Environment Fund 2010-11 Application for Funding Form.pdf
Environment Fund 2010-11 Guidelines.pdf
Example Agreement and Schedule 1.pdf
Request printed copy
You can request a printed copy of the application forms and guidelines to be sent to you by contacting the Northland Regional Council on freephone 0800 002 004 or email mailroom@nrc.govt.nz
Send your completed application to:
Environment Fund Application
Northland Regional Council
Private Bag 9021
Whangarei Mail Centre
You can also hand deliver your application to any Northland Regional Council office.
Help is available
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Land Management team at the Northland Regional Council in Whangarei or Kaitaia. The team is happy to assist with completing your application.
Whangarei Head Office
Phone: 09 438 4639 (freephone 0800 002 004)
Bob Cathcart (general enquiries)
Dean Evans (general enquiries)
Debbie Johnson (water quality and general enquiries)
- Dairying and Clean Stream Accord
- Water quality monitoring sites (recreational bathing sites)
- Fencing to exclude stock from waterways, riparian planting
Laura Shaft (Coastal)
- Dunes
- Other coastal projects not listed below
- The planting of spinifex and pingao for dune stabilisation, pest control, fencing to exclude stock and riparian planting
Jon Hampson (Coastal)
- Estuaries
- Salt marsh
- Pest control, fencing to exclude stock and riparian planting
Lisa Forester (Biodiversity and general enquiries)
- Wetlands
- Lakes
- Wetland and lake enhancement and protection via fencing to keep out stock, riparian planting and pest control
Wayne Teal (Soil Conservation and general enquiries)
- Erodible land
- Erodible land soil stabilisation via tree planting, fencing, pest control and other suitable means
Nola Sooner (Administration)
- All Environment Fund project administration
Kaitaia Regional Office
Phone: 09 408 6600 (freephone 0800 002 004)
Peter Wiessing (general enquiries)